Is This Normal?

okay, my period have not came on for a long time and specifically unusual for me because it usually does. I read in a magazine that it might not come on because you are underweight or overweight. I'm underweight, but I really don't contemplate that it should a problem because even when I was underweight up to that time it still came on. Even though I abhorrence periods, I really do want to know that my body is fuctioning correctly..

What are girls physican/ check up approaching?

If you're underweight, there's a dutiful chance that your estrogen level are too low for a period.

The best entry to do is visit your doctor to see what she/he think. He might put you on a diet to gain some weight, or put you on the pill to regulate your period. Either way, it sounds resembling your hormones are off suspended.

You didn't mention how late you are. Sometimes girls do skip period.

Best thing to do is see your doctor though. Good luck! :)

MY Vagina is giving me HELL, Help???

stop doing drugs!! you know what I tight-fisted!

No period, distress in lower right side, What is cause this?

punch yourself in the might sustain

Night sweats?

You might consider going to the OB/GYN. Sometimes, your body might be trying to tell you something. It could be closely of things - stress, weight, diet, pregnancy, etc. It's other better to know and a doctor is your best bet.

A globose thing grows surrounded by the right side of by breast ,its dia is about 1-2cm,i grain pained when i press it?

relax ok im underweight too so just be in motion see a docter {female is highly prefered} and ask a process! i did the same it straightened things out{ oh im really a girl below my dads account!

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