Night sweats?

I'm 16. I've been have night sweats for days gone by two weeks or so and I don't know why. It's like someone dumped river on my body while I was sleeping, resembling my clothes and hair and miscellanious pillows and pets will be adjectives soaking wet and It's approaching.. what the heck man?

I'm kind of a bundle of nerves to tell my mom because she over react to everythiiiiing!

Brown Dischange Coming Out Vagina?

I too have this problem, mine is a side effect from a latest med.
You, however mention pets. How many and how considerable might factor in, in recent times how much fur are we talking. Pets create profoundly of body heat.
Make sure bedding is adjectives natural fibers. Wear deodorant to bed. Wash yourself and your bedding recurrently. Fab-reeze helps. I'm not sure what else to put in the picture ya. BTDT!

Mensturation and medications?

are you pregnant?

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Some medications can basis night sweats, close to anti-depressants and some of the other psych meds. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can also cause dark sweats as can hyperthyroidism, or over-active thyroid. These are very treatable conditions if thats what you hold going on. You should mention it to your mom and tell her you'd close to to get it checked out by a doctor. Even if she over react, you'll be better off within the long run.
Being a mom who lover her dau., she'll be happy that you told her. Good luck

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hypo-glycaemia,can cause darkness sweats,any new events contained by your life,traumatic events even nightmares incentive profuse sweating.perhaps a drop by to the doctor iif it continues to rule out juvenile diabetes,hopefully ive given some wise counsel

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