IUD cross-question. Does it hurt?

Im going later today to hold mine inserted and want to know if it hurts... what does it feel approaching? also... afterward I have hear it is uncomfortable when you and your partner are together, is that true. Im getting kinda freaked out

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Getting it inserted doesn't hurt more than the average internal exam. It will not interfere next to intercourse, unless the string is too long and it chafes your partner. You can enjoy the string snipped off a bit if that happen, which is no big deal. Having said that, some women do own all sorts of other problems beside IUDs, including more painful period, unexpected bleeding and cramping, and so on. Hard to recount how or if it will affect you until you get it. Make yourself a timeline of how long you are ready to put up with discomfort for the sake of "letting it settle"...right to be heard six months, and if you are having closely of problems, go and grasp it removed.

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Hi! When I ha mine insterted, it felt resembling cramping. Not too bad. It be worth it, though. I have not have any uncomfortable atmosphere when my partner and I are together. I hope this makes you relax a bit. Mine is pious for 5 years, and I would go through it again.

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