Period lasting for over 5 months in a minute?

I've had my interval for a bit over 5 months straight now. My doctors can give the impression of being to find the problem. I've been tested for anemia, and afterwards i've had adjectives these lab tests done and ultra sounds done. I be put on Bio-Identical progesterone cream, which helped my mood, but didn't stop the bleeding. I newly want some answers. I've been to 3 different doctors. Has this happen to any of you? How did you get the bleeding to stop? I'm with the sole purpose 15.

Girls only(or male doctors)?

enjoy they checked inside of you and did they do a D&C
this is not right and also was one of the Dr.s a specialist surrounded by this area you obligation to keep at them to win you straightened up=never heard of anyone previously bleeding steady

Do u bleed the first time after or when u have sex?

i have a period for 32 days and my gyn did plentiful test also .since i be done having bio. children he did a hysterectomy .best article ever for me .no more periods ever .no more spotting,cramping mood swings you know PMS lOl please see another dr. this is not ordinary and something is wrong.

Didnt Miss A Period But It Came To Early?

well im not sure but it cant be a good sign
it have never happened to me and im also 15 too

i infer it could be something above your vagina that has it letting the blood come out make happen its somehing blocking the blood coming out but in your case it of late wont stop

usually it stop about 1 week but this sounds really odd

are you opinion any weird or different besides mood swings

i devise its best for you trying out other doctors too

Help so unhappy around the size of my boobs?

Ok you need a fresh doctor. They need to check inside to see what is going on. They will do an ultrasound and may want to cartarize the inside to return with the bleeding to stop. This is a procedure that can be done in the doctors office. It is call NovaSure. Ask your gyn about. Al that bleeding is not hygienic. You will soon become anemic.

Is too much calcuim bad for you?

I really aspiration I had an answer! I'm so sorry, this must be awful. I would unambiguously go for a second or third belief from a different clinic.

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