Ok this is with the sole purpose for girls.?

ok well surrounded by 2days our skewl will be going to a water park fundamental by.but myfrend is on her period!.! and she required to kno if she gets surrounded by the water will that sorta stop her time of year in a wayy or will she hold an "accident" in the river?

Pro-ana ?

It won't stop her period. If she wear pads, she shouldn't be going into the wet. If she uses tampons, she's ok to go surrounded by the water.

I read somewhere that taking a significant amount of folic acid can cure a vaginal infection?

wear tampons

How frequent calories..?

she will probably have an embarasing accedent in the wwater, spawn sure she doesnt go within the water or she wear a tampon

Condoms ????

i do not recommend going in the pool without a wipe or tampon. Is she really prepared to risk that she will have an chance? I suggest tampons...they are the best thing

Whats a vagina?

SHE WILL DEFFINENTLY enjoy an accedent if she dosn't whare a tampon I am 13 to and i don't whare tampons but she could just not carry n2 the water

Bad Gas Good Or Bad?

Well she's not going to be in the hose the whole time, you enjoy to get out sometime for undisputed things, like food, bathroom, walking, etc. so to be on the nontoxic side DEFFINITELY! wear a tampon!


i knew i shouldnt own read thissssss.

Herbal breast enhancers that really work?

tell her to wear a tampon. she'll be fine. and change it commonly if she has a strapping flow. problem solved. have fun

I'm planned to get my length right before my bff's b-day body.help!?

If your friend requirements to go into the river she should use a tampon.. Pads might soak in the hose down and cause a big mess...

I entail help( women only )?

you inevitability to wear tampons if getting in the water. it is objectionable and likely an embarrasing mistake if one get into the water wearing a wipe with your length. its like a toddler wearing a soggy dirty diaper in a public pool.

Do you get your interval as soon as you stop using birth control pills?

Shell bleed in the water. and i dont muse anybody would want thewhole skkool to see that. They sell tamponsthat consent to girls get surrounded by the water adjectives she has to do is buy one of those and shell be fine. otherwise i suggest that she doesnt find in the hose.

What do you perfer.(girls only)?

It wont stop and if she is careful she wont hold an "accident".

Is it possable for a 53 yr. old woman to toally lose desire to enjoy any sex with her husband? no chitchat to doc!?

tell her to try tampons..

What is a camel toe?

Well if she uses a tampon it should solve the problem, but if she doesn't use them, it most likely wont stop if she go in the river. I went to hose down world, and I was on mine and it be the first time I had used a tampon, and it worked. I hope I help. =]

Why is it that the penis length of a teen is always bigger afterwards that in his twenties?I wondered, but its true.

As long as she wear tampons she will be fine.

If she wears a wipe it could get messy, but tampons are fine to swim near.

Is it normal for women to enjoy hair on within chest? and like around nearby nipples?

It won't stop her period. The merely way to construct it 100% OK is for her to use a tampon. If she's not bleeding very heavily - resourcefully, if it really is light - she'll probably control all right if she's not surrounded by for too long and is wearing reasonably solid swimwear (not the awfully flimsiest thinnest thing out). Tampons really are the answer, but if she's impossible them before she should obtain something that is as small as possible and practise beforehand.

Is it out of danger for a 19 year to use iud for birthcontrol?

TAMPON. Der der der. Put one in and you will be fine since hose down doesn't go up near. :)

Missed period. what's wrong near me?

tell her to either use a tampon or a short time ago dont get within the water.

If you enjoy a yeast infection, is your vagina inflamed and drying?

wear tams of course! it doesnt hurt


Make sure she wear a tampon or everyone will be swimming in her blood. Eeeeewwww Gross!

What if my cycle of the month just take 26 dys?

wear a water proof tapmon. put together sure her rent' R ok with it though

Can some one speak about me?

she shouldn't just breed sure she wears a tampon. going into nice cool hose during your period is a well brought-up idea it make the flow a lot slower and help as far as cramps and bloating goes, so own fun.

Sons friend?

she must wear a tampon
this catches the blood inside the body so it wont seepage out at all
dont worry not a soul will see she is wearing it because they wont know unless you tell them.
if she dosent wear one dont walk in the sea because everyone else will be swimming in it! and when she gets out it will streak down her leg!

Occasional Bleeding while have sex?

I have done this while swimming. But this be when I was basically starting or just ending-where the flow be lite. However, I used a tampon for the heavy flows. Usually my period were the first hours of daylight lite days 2-3 heavy sunshine 4 lite.

Poly cystic ovarian syndrome?

It depends how many days she's be on it. If it's in the middle or close to the finish off, she can go within without a tampon. besides, it take a lot of blood to dye the dampen red even a bit. (i know from experience) but if it's her first couple of days, use a tampoon

Why is this?

Getting in the water can facilitate ease the flow of a time of year, it usually does for me. However, as soon as she gets out it can/will start hindmost up again and she'll have to bring out for some things I'm sure as another person answered.

A wad will get soggy approaching a child's diaper.

The best course of action is to wear a tampon, and convert it in the bathroom repeatedly (just like you would any other time).

If she is not comfortable wearing a tampon later not going on the trip is the only opening to avoid any embaressment that might happen.

Okay for girls merely, it's kind of embarrasing!?

well it depends raison d`??tre not all peoples spell stop when they get contained by the water. my doesnt but my friends does stop. she could try wearing a tampon but idk if she would be liable to try it. or she could wait until her interval stops..

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