I read somewhere that taking a large amount of folic tart can cure a vaginal infection?

There wasn't too much information on the site, as though they didn't want to give info to those without further studies human being done. However, taking 1200 to 3600 mcg of folic acid supposedly cures bacterial vaginosis, and taking the each day recommended amout prevents it. Has anyone heard of this? Do you know how true this is?

I read on another site that massive amounts of folic acid is not poisonous, but has no benefit previous 1000 mcg. Also, it mentioned that taking daily amounts over 1000 mcg could cover a B12 deficiency.

What are the probability?

I have never hear that, nor do I know anything about folic bitter. But I can tell you one entity that will kill an infection and does it outstandingly fast, is cheap, not messy.

Most of the medicine on the market will pocket as long as 2-4 days to kill the infection, and some where on earth in near it kills the agony and burning of the infection. The one I know will do the trick in a matter of hours.

Get you some Alka-Seltzer inventive, follow the directions on the package. You can rob it every 4 hours. After you have taken your first dose, and the first time you hold to urinate, there should be no burning. Keep on taking it every 4 hours. Before you run to bed, take another dose, by within the morning, the infection is gone. I always keep hold of a box at my house on hand simply in satchel an infection flares up on me. The first sign of it, I take a dose and it is gone inside an hour.

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i have hear this too, also that taking vit B and vit C can help, i get yeast all the time throughout my pregnancy so presently that im pregnant again i am going to try it... or you should try eating that tentative yogurt Activia, its really good and get rid of mines a few weeks ago because i can't take pills to obtain rid of it this early within pregnancy.

Help me w/..sex?

Bacterial vaginosis is an abnormal vaginal condition specifically characterized by vaginal discharge. The condition results from an overgrowth of normal germs in the vagina. In times past, the condition was call Gardnerella vaginitis, after the bacteria that be thought to cause the condition. However, the bright name, bacterial vaginosis, reflect the recent research establishing that there are a little species of bacteria that inherently live in the vaginal nouns. The Gardnerella organism is not the sole culprit causing the symptoms. When these multiple species of germs become imbalanced, a woman can have a vaginal discharge that is to say associated with a foul odor.

Bacterial vaginosis is not passed by sex and is not unsafe, but it can cause disturbing symptoms. Any woman beside an unusual discharge should be evaluated so that serious infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be excluded.

What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are vaginal discharge and odor. Usually, there are no other symptoms. The amount of vaginal discharge i.e. considered normal vary from woman to woman. Therefore, any degree of vaginal discharge to be precise abnormal for a dedicated woman should be evaluated.

About half of women beside bacterial vaginosis actually enjoy no symptoms at all. The wife experience an unpleasant fishy odor with vaginal discharge. The discharge is usually grayish white.
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis consists of antibiotics. A few antibiotics are routinely used. Metronidazole taken by any oral (pill) form or by vaginal metronidazole gel is an effective treatment. Also available is the vaginal clindamycin cream. The oral metronidazole can end in some minor but unpleasant side effects, but is believed to be the most effective treatment. Metronidazole is uncommon in hasty pregnancy because of potential adverse effects on the babies. Metronidazole is not used by nursing mothers because of potential adverse effects on the babies. The gel do not typically cause side effects, although yeast vaginitis can result. Although treatment is unanimously successful, about 15% of women experience lasting symptoms within a month. With continuing symptoms, a second course of antibiotics is generally prescribed.

What are complications of bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis can resolve completely lacking complications after treatment. No special follow-up is necessary if the symptoms disappear. The infection is not transmitted sexually and sexual partner are therefore not treated.

In pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis can impose premature labor, premature birth, infection of the amniotic fluid, and infection of the uterus after delivery. For these reason, it is currently thought that screening and treatment for bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is reasonable.

Bacterial Vaginosis At A Glance
Bacterial vaginosis is an anomalous vaginal condition that is characterized by vaginal discharge and results from an overgrowth of majority bacteria surrounded by the vagina.
Bacterial vaginosis is not passed by sex and is not dangerous, but it can wreak disturbing symptoms.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are vaginal discharge and odor.
In diagnosing bacterial vaginosis, it is important to exclude other serious infections, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Treatment option for bacterial vaginosis include oral antibiotics and vaginal gels.
Major serious complications of bacterial vaginosis can go off during pregnancy.

Will I get my interval on the pill?

Folic acid is a trace mineral and should not be taken in excess. The problem you are have with vaginal infection is typically due to a fungus. Candida Albicans and other microbes can create the problem.

Whatever you do, stay away from Antacids! All Antacids! They will destroy your digestive process and create rotting food specifically very toxic to your system. Alka Seltzer, Tums, etc. are extremely discouraging for you. People who recommend this are usually doctors, nurses, pharmacists that simply do not know how the body works! You need the stomach tart to kill germs entering your stomach. The Lactic Acid that is produced from rotting food is what cause the "Acid" feeling, not stomach sour! Stomach acid prevents tart indigestion!

Good nutrition can solve the problem and keep it from coming subsidise. You need to wipe out some things from your diet that contribute heavily to the problem and add some things that will be well-mannered for you.

It is very typical of your medical profession to try and solve the problem near some medication, but this may or may not work and only for a moment. It does not solve the problem that is making it verbs to happen.

First, you call for to eliminate adjectives refined sugars close to you get from drinking sodas. Each ounce of soda contains 1 teaspoon of sugar. Just suggest how much sugar a "Big Gulp" has? Yikes! 64 ounces; and I've see people gain second helpings!

Drinks approaching coca cola suppress the immune system for over 3 hours after drinking just one and next it feeds the fungus.

Eliminate any foods containing food additives. These toxic substances contribute greatly to suppressing your immune system. Don't embezzle any pills that contain Magnesium Stearate because this suppresses the immune system and inhibits the absorption of nutrients surrounded by the pills by up to 80%.

Stop eating any SOY products or Canola Oils. These are desperate for you and will inhibit mineral absorption.

You necessitate to be taking a derivative of garlic that has a enormously strong ability to slay bacteria and fungus, especially biofilms that protect the microbes from macrophages produced by the body to fight these organisms. I suggest you receive some Allicidin that contains Allicin (garlic active ingredient), some oleuropin (olive palm leaf extract), and colostrum (pre-milk from Bovine source) that stabilizes your immune system.

If it were me next to this issue, I would take 6 allicidin per light of day, 12 oleuropin per day, and 1 teaspoon of colostrum per morning. I would also drink 8 oz. of distilled water near juice from 1 - 2 material lemons 3 times per day.

If you follow this above, your vaginal problem will most feasible go away contained by a day or two. To maintain this from happening again, I would also rob 2 capsules of Betaine HCL and an activator after respectively meal. This will murder the bacteria & support remove the fungus, also greatly help destroy biofilms, and best of all create a wonderful digestion of your food. Additionally, it will promote angelic digestion of your calcium, magnesium, and zinc.

I suggest you contact the following web site for the products above because I've have great results from using their products: www.healthline.cc (not .com)

good luck to you

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