For guys. girls too?

ive been near my boyfriend for about a year in a minute and i feel mortified getting intimate with him so i try to avoid it or stop earlier it gets to far. is that doomed to failure? (not a virgin)

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Just because you have a BF does not be determined he is entitled to sex with you and you are not obligated to do it.


NOt really fruitless but it is sad for your relationship, why not try to seize intimate? maybe that would spice up your relationship more..but if you don't want to to find too far then you can control it...

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The why didnt you vote so...ok then recount him how you feel he might hang around until you comfortable with doing it.

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You requirement to be a virgin from this point forward until marriage, despite your chronological mistakes.

And GET RID of that guy. HE should be the one setting this standard.

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You just own to do it when your ready, simply tell him that =]

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In my experience, women enjoy trouble having sex beside someone they're not in love beside. If you're not saving yourself and not a virgin later why are you not having sex near him? A year is a long time to be with someone and not own sex with them.

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depends on why you quality uncomfortable. But 99% of the time, your function is your reason and theres no idea to feel ashamed or impossible about your uncomfortableness of getting intimate. live time your way. if everything in your relationship is fine and you both safekeeping for eachother then you both should own no worries and this shouldnt be a problem.

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That is unpardonable. You should run back to him and apologise right away. Then thieve all your clothes past its sell-by date and show him a good time.

( a friend of your boyfriend ).

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I wouldn't right to be heard its bad, but I markedly feel that you don't close to him in that channel. Time to move on. If you really protection for someone, you would welcome the intimacy!

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There is nothing wrong next to a little intimacy. Obviously you freshly don't feel that you should be intimate beside him. You need to re-evaluate your relationship and determine whether he is the one.

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It's not 'discouraging' as such as it's whats natural for you surrounded by your situation. BUT, assuming you don't want this to be the case and as it's credible to erode your relationship eventually I'd suggest you do something about it. My suggestion; if you're in the right relationship you can lift up the issue and discuss your concerns and agree a way forward that works for you two, if you can't even discuss the issue afterwards, babes, your issue is not the sex - it's the certainty youre not in the right relationship which is my guess why you don't want him nr you?

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Bad for him yes. Sex is a quantity of mature relationships and if you are not comfortable surrounded by having sex near him it will become a problem down the line. Sex is sharing yourself near another person that you trust. Always avoiding sex lead to mistrust, jealousy, removal in confidence, cheating and other interpersonal problems in the relationship.
Find out what it is that make you uncomfortable almost making love to him and talk it out beforehand it becomes a serious issue.

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First I am a guy. No it is not bad. After adjectives it is your body and yours to control; however, I sense that there is something wrong resembling a possible trust issue. Does he know how you feel roughly this. If he doesn't try talking beside him, if he doesn't back rotten, or tries to pressure you dump him. Take things at your speed.

My hubby and i are trying to start haveing children, well i've be off my birth control and i'm tardy.

A year! He is obviously within love with you b/c he is still sticking around, but you don't quality the same for him. I read aloud that b/c you said that you are uncomfortable one initimate with him. So, within is little emotions, touching and kissing.

You obligation to be honest with yourself and stop stringing this guy along. You are eventually going hurt this guy's state of mind or break his heart.

This type of treatment is what turn MEN into DOGS!! Some new hunk guy is going to come into your vivacity and hit it in smaller quantity than a week. He's going to feel fundamentally very stupid.

Been here done that and will never go near again.

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It is not compulsory to get hold of intimate with your boyfriend, whether you are a virgin or not. Saying yes once does not be going to you have to read aloud yes every time someone asks (unless you wish to, of course) :-)

However, after a year, if the desire to become closer is out in your relationship, you may own a friendship more than a romantic relationship.

That could be something you need to devise about until that time going any further, because even though it's nice to have a bf, a friend is nought to be sneezed at, either!!

Best wishes and well-mannered luck :-)

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i be in alike situation as you once. my partner and i had be together for about a year previously we had sex (we're going on 3 years now). but i wasn't really prepared for the first time, and i had trust and intimacy issues next to him for awhile.

it's best you talk it out near him, find out what intimacy means for him, consent to him know how you feel, and as you would expect, to reason beside yourself why you are with him. over time you may open to feel more comfortable person intimate with him!

Too much discomfort, first time sex?

This usually means you want to DUMP this guy because something inside you says Warning or no more attraction . Time for him to move about.

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i used to feel resembling that but i was a virgin when i met my partner i took me a while to catch used to the new arrangement similar to sex nearly every night i kept trying to avoid it and enunciate oh i have my interval or am tired things like that but i soon properly have a feeling for him and got comfotible beside him as he was next to me give it time u will attain there.

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Then you shouldn't still be next to him. If you feel that discomfited only a year into the relationship, you judge it's going to get better. He'll keep hold of begging and you'll eventually furnish in to hold HIM happy while you remain terrified and miserable.

Sex is not a job, payoff or a reward for relentless begging. It's suppose to be fun and care-free for both participant. If your not happy immediately, either integer out (with him) where the problem lies, or find someone you are more comfortable near. You don't like it and you should label him suffer. I'm guessing he is not even aware of how you feel. Men are not mind reader. If we're not aware of a problem, you call for to say something.

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