My daughter has only just been diagnosed next to M.S and epilepsy,?

before this happened she be planning to have a toddler,now she is desperately worried around the effects of the drug she is taking for epilepsy "carbamazepine"and the problems it may cause to her kid should she become pregnant.She takes 400mgs a morning.Her Doctor was not competent to help as she said she be not up to date on these things.Can anyone help please.Thanks within advance for any abet.

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I was diagnosed beside MS in 2001, when my first child be 10 months old. I have another child in 2005, and he is enormously healthy along beside his big brother. Having a seizure disorder similar to epilepsy is something that two of my neurologists did not agree upon. In 2004, a new neurologist tried to influence that I had have a series of seizures and probably strokes, and that he did not think I have MS. The safest thing to do is to cause sure she really has both problems, which process a lot more MRI's. So perchance hold off for that principle only. I do not transport anything for MS I have be on Avonex, Betaseron, and Copaxone. Good luck.

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my mother have ms and i came out only just fine she takes the shot medication and some that you sallow

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You obligation to talk next to a specialist who know about this type of medication it would be best if you ask a professional because some of the answer you might get might not be of any give a hand if you have doubts nearly the dosage that the daught is taking ,ask a another doctor opinion, it's honest to ask question so you can hold a better understanding and congratulations I hope this help

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Pregnancy--Carbamazepine has not be studied in pregnant women. However, nearby have be reports of babies having low birth bulk, small head size, skull and facial defect, underdeveloped fingernails, and delay in growth when their mothers have taken carbamazepine in high doses during pregnancy. In decoration, birth defects enjoy been reported contained by some babies when the mothers took other medicines for epilepsy during pregnancy. Also, studies in animals hold shown that carbamazepine causes birth defect when given in sizeable doses. Therefore, the use of carbamazepine during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.
See if you can find a Dr that know more than the one you have. This is rotten the internet. I have epilepsy too.
Just type the heading in search out and get more info. You may also check beside an ob/gyn.

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I am so sorry to hear something like your daughters diagnosis but believe me with the right attitude it will not stop your daughter living a full and blissful life! In the finishing nine months they have ruled out epilepsy for myself, but it does appear I may own MS, as I have friends coincidental who any have epilepsy or MS, it is not so upsetting and I think my current circumstances own given me the kick it the bum to really delight in life! But support to your question I know culture who have have healthy babies near MS or epilepsy including a friend who has extremely severe MS and be cautioned against have children, this would not have be possible without a neurologist minus the right speciality, so I would suggest you research a neurologist who specialises in both MS and epilepsy and hold your daughter speak with them so they can adjust her medication as expected. You can find a doctor and their info on-line as I found after seeing two neurologists who specialised only within epilepsy and not MS or other disorders as I required, I searched on the network and found my new neurologist's training, specialities and the research fields she works surrounded by, big help!

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my cousin have ms and she had a daughter 16 year ago a vastly healthy daughter who is in a minute going to college however, she has watch her mother deterioate over the years and now she can not do anything for herself she could not turn to parents evenings the cinema or anything i am not saying your daughters ms will be as delapertating as this but adjectives she has already planned her funeral a few year ago this is not a life span for the child my cousins daughter became more of a carer however she does very soon need 24 hour watchfulness her partner left her after her diagnosis knowing she be pregnant now what is going to come to pass when she goes her daughter will be on her own practically its not nice watching a parent die her grandparents are greatly old beside ill strength she needs to contemplate seriously before she have a child find out what kind of ms she have first and hoefully her partner will be more considerate than my cousins

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I was diagnosed near epilepsy five years ago, and I have be taking Carbotrol, a form of carbamazepine ever since. My neurologist, at The Ohio State Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio, said there be no long-term effects on pregnancies from the medication. He did say, however, that associates with epilepsy surrounded by general are prone to make a contribution birth to babies with defect at higher instances than the nonspecific population. This is controlled, however, by taking a small dose of folic acid on a daily basis. It's recommended that people next to epilepsy who are sexually active start a regime of folic tart. I take 50mg on a daily basis, but the dosage should really be regulated by a neurologist, not just a physician. If and when a personality with epilepsy become pregnant, they need to hold on to in contact near their neurologist about as frequently as they do an OB/GYN, as pregnancy hormones may produce a need for a devolution in the dosage of medication. Don't verbs, most pregnancies turn out fine for people next to epilepsy, and carbamazepine is one of the most frequently taken and well-tolerated drugs. Hope this helps!

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