I hold to go to the gynacologist. Whats gonna begin?

My moms taking me to the gynacologist for a check up. im' not having sex, but she think i am. I never went former 2nd base. She saiz a doctors gonna look at my girl parts. I'm so fidgety and freaked out. Please, what exactly is gonna happen to me in attendance?

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When you go into the room, you will necessitate to take stale your clothes from the waist down,Maybe even your bra. The Gynecologist will do a pelvic exam,which means at hand is this instrument that will widen your vagina,she will look to see inside to generate sure your ovaries,cervix and all the other girl parts in that are normal,consequently will do a pap smear.The Dr will take two swabs and swab the inside of your vagina,later rub what she got from the swabs into a dish for the lab to examine.To variety sure the insides of your girl parts are functioning and healthy.The instrument will be cold at first and the swabs may be a touch uncomfortable.It isn't as startling as you think.You will be a moment ago fine.espeacially if you have mom in attendance for moral support.She can come in the room next to you if you want her to.especially if you are a minor.No need to be startled

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dont panic. you enjoy to be happy because your mom will be proven wrong. simply relax and do as the gynecologist instructs you to do while on the examining table.

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Well, I think it is crazy that you are going to an OBGYN at such a immature age. Have you even gotten your first perod yet? You will most promising only hold a pap smear, but maybe not. You may own a pelvic exam and neither are comfortable.

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You'll receive undressed and put on a gown that opens within the front. The Dr. will come in and hold you lie backbone and put your feet up surrounded by stirrups them they will check your boobs for lumps, feel your tummy for lumps and use a speculum (looks like a duck bill and it's cold) to friendly up your cervix and take sample to do a pap smear test. You might bleed a bit afterward, so bring a pad beside you.
Just try not to freak out too much, it's embarrassing but the Dr. is not here to drool on you or anything. They are just doing their brief. It won't be as bad as you expect.

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tell her i didn't have sex again and again till she listen..

Sex 8 days in the past or after?

What happens at these appointments is that within is a device that is inserted into your vagina. This will allow the Dr to look inside of you and attitude your cervix. The Dr will usually insert two fingers (index and pointer) inside to feel for any anomalies. I would distinctly tell your Dr that you own not had intercourse. If one of these devices is inserted and you own not had intercourse, this will effectively break the membrane i.e. there. You don't want this to come to pass because you will technically not be a virgin anymore.
Speak up and don't let this evolve if you are in reality a virgin. If your mother thinks you're pregnant, they can do a question paper using only your urine, no intrusive exams.

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11 seem like such a childish age to have a gynecologist look in, but I am no doctor. It seems close to your mother has trust issues, but again, I don't know your mother. It can be humiliated, but the procedure itself is not painful. It take about 15-20 minutes.The doctor will look at your private parts and will be using different instruments to do this. You can ask your doctor question and share your concerns with him or him earlier, during, and after the check up. Gurl.com is a great resource for teens, and I have included a linky to their page explaining your first gynecologist drop by. Good luck to you, hon.

Since there is a elevated probability of me becoming pregnant.what can i do after one week of sex?

Don't be worried. There's really nothing to go and get worked up about they a short time ago check everything to make sure you don't hold any infections, cysts or anything bad! No women enjoy going there but you grasp used to it and it's not so bad. And the sooner you prove her wrong the better both of you will touch!

Try telling one of the nurses or even the doctor your panicky and they'll be willing to explain everything!

I started going to the gynocologist at your age, I have cysts on my ovaries and irregukar periods. The first time I go I was upset too but the doctor and nurses were enormously nice, explained everything to me and I was fine!

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You will be fine you are gonna lay on a table and the doctor is gonna insert a tool that will consent to her see all your girl parts. She will look around to see if nearby's any problems then she will bear a sample and dispatch it to a lab and call your mom next to the results my advice if you did hold sex you need to give an account your mom because the doctors will know GOOD LUCK.

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Relax. It may nouns horrific but she's looking out for you in your best interest. Be Proud that she's doing this for you, now a days most parents could thought less. You will want to Thank her sometime for this day. Don't verbs. All will be ok.

If you are sexually active ( even tho you say aloud you are not ), she may want to get you started on a type of birth control.
she may want to own the doctor look to make sure things are on track they track they are to be.

Your gyn doctor should be a woman and if not, they will own a woman nurse in the room next to you. Your mother can go next to you just to comfort you .

My boobs are too big is near any way of making them smaller short paying a lot of money?

Depends on the doctor

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he is just going to look,and only check you out,nothing to verbs about,

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