How Heavy is a heavy time of year?


My periods are really irregular. My last one be 4 weeks ago and I had to keep on nearly nine months for it to appear!!

Both my last spell and this period are extremely pouring. I am having to use the heaviest absorbancy tampons and also 2 sanitary towels and am varying on average every hour sometimes less!!

The funny entity is I don't have any cramps but as soon as I move it I entail to go and swing.

At the moment I feel ok but if it carry on then it won't be long since I am feeling wipe out!

I have be to see my GP about my irregular period lots of times because of them being so far and few between but adjectives she says is that I can dance on the pill but that is not an way out as it makes me really wicked and also we want to try for another baby soon.

Does anyone else suffer from robust periods?

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yes i use to to suffer ---i use to ware 2 pads and a tampon and i would gush through that----heavy is considered to be a purse of pads in 24 hours---my situation was different--i have uterine tumors--you need to stay over it with the obgyn---but yes--- try the birth control first--or try for another child and put up beside the bleeding until you have conceived

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ya i suffered from very stout periods, similar to you. deeply irregular and no cramps and usually lasted for over a week. you may not want to travel on the pill for personal choices and i respect that but the doctor put me on the pill and i could not believe how much it helped, regular as clockwork and extremely flimsy. i recommended listening to your doctor and going on the pill.

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No, but yours nouns very strange indeed. I believe there is an operation which can cauterise the facing of the womb to make it bleed much smaller amount, I don't know what it's called but perchance you could suggest it to your doctor? Or ask about it?

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Yes, I do. Yours nouns excessively heavy, probably your GP could recommend you for a D&C if you have to step so much longer again?

Have you tried Evening Primrose oil capsule? They helped me, I'm individual slightly psychotic for 2 days in the month, as opposing outright homocidal for 3 days ... you know yourself that this is no exaggeration, right?

You could also look into alternative therapies, approaching Chinese medicine. I have problems in that nouns before and saw a practicioner of Chinese medication who gave me acupuncture and some completely good dietary warning, which helped immensely.

Best of luck with this.

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That's sounds exactly resembling mine always be. You might get checked for ENDOMETRIOSIS. That be the cause of mine. If you are trying to own a family do stay higher than this problem. Endometriosis does cause infertility because of the temperament of the disease. I had several corrective surgeries and be on the pill 6 mo's was sour 2 weeks, using the basil thermometer method got Pregnant contained by 2 weeks. But never again. Our second child is adopted. GOOGLE it and cram the symptoms.

I saw someone mentioned having the D & C to lend a hand the bleeding. I had three some be pain free and enhanced the bleeding but others were horrible and didn't facilitate at all. So I enjoy no good input for them.

You are unquestionably having HEAVY period. It would be good for you to appropriate a Multi vitamin, a B Complex and an iron pill daily.
Heavy bleeders become anemic terribly easily.

Going on the pill made me unlikeable too, but it will make your interval regular, and you need that if you are trying to conceive.
That worked for me. (The mannish hormones make us mean)

Good Luck.

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