Whats the most degrading item that ever happen to you?

easy 2 points.i want a guffaw!! i know its the wrong section but yuo guys rock!!

Answers:    Friend's birthday event (guy) it was mostly adjectives guys there, an me, i be swimming, there be a cute guy in front of me. My bathing have fallen down contained by the top (I had no idea) and i be swimming and the guy was basically staring at me, and then i looked down. I be mortified! I ran out of the pool and my complete bathing suit (it was a one piece) fell bad! I fixed it promoptly and called my mom to bear me home (i was 13).

Worst. daytime. of. my. life. I could never look my guy friend within the eye ever again!
Dont know if it is the most embarrasing, but i was a young person and had simply started my periods, and couldnt even drive but, was actual shy, my rents were visit my borther in South Dakota.
I get a tampon stuck in me and have to tell my auntie
Instead of taking me to the DR, she fixed to try to take it out HERSELF!! LOL!!
I can crow now, but THEN, it be so embarrasing!! hahaha
My first day of dignified school surrounded by my first class we were adjectives going around and saying our full name to the class so the teacher and other students could go and get to know everyone. Well my best friend was sitting contained by front of me and she only said her first given name so it threw me off and when it come to me next i said my dub with her finishing name. I guess for some relations it's not that embarressing but you had to be in that. I wanted to be an inch elevated and crawl into a crack in the wall... i be an early developer and surrounded by 5th grade the teacher aide told us it was going to be nice and reheat outside so we could leave our coats and sweaters inside..by this time we be in 2 lines boys on one side girls on the other i go" whoo hoo" and rip stale my sweater and my undershirt comes with it...adjectives of the boys saw my developing breasts and keep surrounded by mind this was when girls still have cooties so all down the string all i hear was eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww
My junior prom date and I established to skip the after prom parties and enjoy one of our own. Just him and I. We went to a hotel and drank and have sex all dark long. Well, I never paid attention because I be so lost in the moment that he never took the second condom off. Well, in the order of 3 or 4 days later, I found the condom. The single weird part of the pack was, I'm a intensely clean party. You can only guess where on earth I found it. I was peeing soon and while wiping, it be like right within, like pulling out a tampon. I know not really mortifying but you know he knew he couldn't find the piece and he didn't even tell me! But we be really good friends and I question him about it following and he didn't remember taking it off any... and I said DUH because you didn't!

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