Can guys have a feeling a girls orgasm?
I estimate they just want us to believe that they can!
I don't know if i'm pregnant or not!? relief?
well in my judgment its more about a guy engrossed, when girls have an orgasm your muscles down at hand tighten as well as your legs & you breathe harder so @ most minuscule i can tell i'm doing somethin right!Is it possible to enjoy your period if pregnant?
Can you be aware of your boyfriend when he orgasms? If you can let me know how that works!! I tight, you know when he's going to but can you actually have a feeling it? SO why would he be able to grain yours!WHAT? what the hell? lol no they cant! Its impossible.
~~>In the privacy of your own bathroom or bedroom, you feel the want to please yourself sexually. What have you in recent times contemplated? Masturbation. It’s the intentional stimulation of one’s body and genitals to feel pleasure and orgasm. It’s a without blemish normal sexual stir; and many general public consider it healthy, too. However, some cultures disapprove of masturbation, and some religious beliefs consider it a sin.
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yep i have , Oh What sensation ! cant fake them ones.Do Epidural impose back misery?
Yes we can feel their orgasms . When you own an orgasm the muscles around your vagina spasm .- Did anyone had water retention after taking pills to induce menstruation?
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- At what age can boys and girl start experiencing orgasms?
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