I think I may enjoy internal bleeding?
Too lots possibilities. You need the doctor to do a flawless examination. It could be from the IUD itself, it could be from the progesterone, it could be that you own a defective IUD and it is causing something it shouldn't, it could be completely not related to the IUD.
No event what, you don't need to know since you call. That is the doctor's responsibility. Three days is plenty satisfactory to have the doctor not deliberate this is a over-anxious response.
But you might want to take your warmth before calling, so you can answer if they ask that.
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you may have endometriosis, within which case the Mirena would irritate the situation, do call upon your doctor.This is a pretty common side effect of IUD insertion. If the bleeding become so heavy that you're using a super wipe or tampon every 1/2 to one hour for more than 6 hours straight, call the doctor without beating about the bush or go straight to the ER; it may indicate hemorrhage. Also, if the bleeding is not clotting when you sit still or if it's a moment ago as heavy sitting as when you're helpful, or if it is accompanied by abdominal headache.
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My mom trained as a nurse, she told me that an straightforward way to share internal bleeding was if you stand up and your fingertips turn shady blue/purple/black.I know with the pill you'll bleed for one and a partially or two weeks while your body adjusts to hormones. If you're concerened i would budge back to your doctors bureau just to kind sure everything's alright.
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