Is it possible to have your term if pregnant?

I was woundering because my mom told me when she be pregnant with me that she have her period the in one piece time. She did that with me and my sister. Just woundering I'm 18 and my mom a moment ago told me last hours of darkness. I was worryed because I be a week late on my interval ( I was supposed to enjoy it last week).

Is this commonplace?

it's possible. i've heard of populace having it for approaching 2 months after, but what happened to your mom seem unusual. its possible for your period to come a week postponed and nothing is wrong

Im addicted?

its possible it happen to my sis she had a delayed period and when contained by and found out she was PG and have her period for 4 months of her pregnancy.

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Yes, it is possible to have a time during pregnancy and you just explained that your mother be like that. It is entirely possible you may be that channel too. I haven't heard you voice that you were sexually busy in this put somebody through the mill. Sometimes, just the stress and self freaked out can throw your period past its sell-by date by a few days to a couple of weeks. If you are or were sexually live, yes, by all medium, get a pregnancy tryout.

What is a hicky?!?

Yes, it's possible. My aunt had her's for 4 months and she be pregnant.

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