Girls Only!?

my little cousin got her extent about december and have it came contained by january but not february or now! what is wrong her mother nor i know so i thought i would ask. (BTW she is 13)

Is blood spot average one week after the period ends?

exact same entity happened to me. its COMPLETLY nornal. ur body is trying to regulate when it should hold the period. she might bring it again in april.

Is it true that ?

for the first 2 years of a girl's period its not regular...if it continues to be irregular after 2 years jump to a doctor but withiin the first 2 years im sure its fine

Is good blood pressure?

well since she JUST get it not too long ago, its just an irregular interval. most people do the first two or so years they obtain their period. so don't verbs. its just irregular and may not come alike time everymonth or not at all some months.

Is this mundane?

Nothing is wrong with her.
It's mundane to have irregular peroids surrounded by the beginning.
They should stabilize within about 5 years.

Im getting strange pains mid cycle.?

I know why. It's exceedingly simple sometimes when girls get their length it might come back,but afterwards it won't. Give it some time after a while she will figure out the shape when it comes and everything will be fine.

How long is the MENOPAUSE supposed to last ? My wife sit down 5 years ago and she has not get up yet?

This is moderately normal, her body hasn't regulated as even so and missing a couple months is ok.

Where is a good place(s) to procure bras for good prices for teens?

Its not other in every month, I've have mine 3 years and its still not regular

Are my breasts too small?

Mine did the same item. Had to wait four months for my second one and almost six for my third. Sometimes it simply takes a while for them to regulate, but if you are really worried (or if she is sexually active) you might want to help yourself to her to a gynocologist for a checkup.

Whats wrong with me..(very exalted so please answer)?

THIS IS SO NORMAL!! when you first get your time it will be very irregular for anywhere fom 1-2 years. I just get mine every 2 or even 3 months! it should a even out in a year or so though. Dont verbs at all though !

What do you ponder?

it is normal. I missed 4 of my first year.
Her/Your body is basically takes for a moment time

Recently found out i have a urinary tract infection. But me & my b/f be still having sex. Could it hurt him?

This would be a covering of hormones not being within balance as all the same. Her body is going through a major cash.

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How to gain hair rear without rogain..?

Teens can own irregular periods similar to your cousin seems to enjoy for the first 2 yrs it an be normal, my cousin is 13 too && she will jump a whole month short having her spell & its totally normal (her doctor said) she grows & develops, she wont own these irregular periods, so it common, she just started....

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