Should i verbs that "down there" is itchy and red?

a couple of days ago my vagina started to itch and become red. im kinda imbaressed to tell my mom but idk if it is serious im newly trying to ignor it and it may go away but if it won't i necessitate to get relieve? what should i do ?

Opinions: What do you think nearly this?

You may have a yeast infection. They are pretty adjectives, especially in the summer (the steam and humidity help it thrive). Don't be humiliated. Just tell your mom so she can assistance you take strictness of it. You shouldn't keep yourself discomfited.

Why am I not growing? Do I have hormone problems?

yes it could be a vaginal infection- best to take it looked at or there is over the counter treatment but u enjoy to make sure of what it is...
it will Not be in motion away on its own-
no reason to be embarrased to put in the picture ur mom- she has most predictable had like peas in a pod prob before

Adkins Diet?

It is difficult to determine the produce of the itching and the reddness without an nouns and/or some tests. It could be a yeast or bacterial infection. Without knowing the create, I can't recommend a way to treat the symptoms. I would suggest that you trade name an appointment with a doctor, he or she can help out determine the cause and an appropriate treatment.

How do you return with rid of strech marks?

It could be an infection close to yeast or something and waiting can make it worse, which is really impossible. You may need to see a doctor.

I'm 36. Uterine fibroids and ovarian cyst.?

You should report to your mom. You could easily hold an infection. Do you have your spell? Are you sexually active? These would create frequent more possibilities. check out this site.

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