Opinions: What do you think in the order of this?

I'm 22 and during a visit to my doctor, she told me I needed to be circumcised and said she could do it, so she sceduled it right afterwards and there for May 20th. I told my friend Jen I needed this done and asked if she'd resembling to come along for some friendly support. Just yesterday on AIM, she's like, "So you're item is on the 20th?" I confirmed this, and she asked what hospital. I told her, but she's never been to it, but said she's sure in that's not a problem finding it. Then I noticed the time---I have to leave for work right, so I only said 'ttyl' and left. When I get home there be a msg from her saying: "We can acquire ice cream afterwards, if you're up for it."

I msged her on myspace near, "Ice cream sounds nice, although I may need it for another place besides my mouth, lol."

What do you cogitate of all this? Haha may appear a lil odd to an outside: Get my penis cut, step get rime cream with a girl.

How do i bring back my period to become regular & doies too much sugar do one to menstrate twice in a month?

First of adjectives, why is this in women's robustness?
Second of all, why are you getting circumcised. There's no "need" to be circumcised.
Third, why do you need the validation of anyone else to jump get rime cream?

We got caught masturbating?(HELP)?

I guess purely see how you're feeling afterward. You may be too sore to want to run out for ice cream or they may numb you up moral enough to where on earth you wouldn't mind.

Am I Fat? (Be Honest)?

I think it's ok, nearby's nothing to take embarassed with really.

What crude product is good for hot flashes?

Why don't you gain some ice cream to shift and have it at home where on earth you can be more comfortable, I very much doubt that you are going to want to sit in the parlour, It isn't the most comfortable of places to be! dutiful luck tho xx

Is my period everyday?

Get a second doctor's opinion. This is not a critical procedure. All you have to do is preserve yourself clean.

Sweaty armpits?

It doesn't come across odd. But I'm not so sure you'll be up for going to achieve icecream afterwards!!

Can anyone tell me the best excersise to do to attain rid of a baby belly?

is she hot?

conceivably she wants your bone
stir get rime cream may get lucky

perfect luck

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