I've read that doctors remove your appendix if you enjoy a c-section?

Is this just one of those myths that ethnic group put out or is that true? If it is true, why wouldn't the doctor tell you this? I should further qualify that I have a traditional vertical c-section (just below the navel to bottom of belly), not the lower belly transverse one.

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My first c-section was a transverse one and they did purloin my appendix out. Is that why?My second c-section was a vertical one.

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God I hope it's a myth, otherwise here are some doctors out there that are setting themselves up for trouble when family get twirl of this!

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hhhmm...i have a c-section about 8 months ago and i be never informed on that one. im not sure. but i will be checking back surrounded by on this question for some answers produce thats a plus if so..lol..at leaste i dont have to verbs in the facet!

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Not true. I knew someone who have a c-section and did not have her appendix removed.

This is a myth.

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There seem to be alot of appendix questions. No they don't newly automatically take it out. The insurance companies wouldn't retribution for it so the surgeon won't do it. The reason the insurance company won't payment is that they want to keep thier money and paying for unnessary proccedures get in the bearing of that. I had to hold an ovary removed and tried to just move about ahead and have it adjectives yanked out but the surgeon couldn't do it because the insurance company said they wouldn't payment for unnessary procedures. That sounds backwards to me, it they just transport out the appendix the insurance company wont have to wages for a second surgery!

Q about a missedplease backing?

so not true i still have mine. and my mom have hers we both had c- section

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It's not a myth it's nonsense that a know adjectives know nothing told you .

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it is not true.why would they remove your apendix for no point? lol

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never hear that before,i've have 2 c-sections still have my appendix

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It's adjectives about money.
Doctors don't preform any extras unless energy threating because it would cheat them out of the fee for another surgery.

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Your doctor does not take out chance organs just because he is within there! Now if in attendance was a problem beside your appendix and there be en emergency I bet they would take it out, but they would share you, and they would probably get consent from your husband first.

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