Do ob tampons really work?

Ya know those new ob tamptons that are approaching 1.85 inches long? Do they really work? has anyone have any leaks useing those?

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omg! Those things are the best! I used to use regular tampons, but I other hated cramming it up my..ya know. and they be sooo uncomfortable! But I started useing those ob tampons, and they really do work! They are great! I not quite felt them, and I never have any leaks! If you run to their website they show you some demos and other stuff. Oh, and on their site you can get the cutest little token package! It comes near like 3 little tampons, and a cute little covering for them. Thats one of the best things about those tampons! they transport up like no space! I LOVE useing clutches, and my matured tampons never really fit in them beside my cellphone, ipod and makeup, but now I don't hold to cram everything into my purses anymore thanks to ob!

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i love them they are my favs to have they might look too small but they are great and i never have no problem with a outflow. i hate those huge tampons approaching playtex and kotex they are HUGE and they made me have a few leak with those
OB is the best though you should try them resembling i said they look small to do the job but yes they truely work and im pleased near them

Now help me?

idk, but it doesn't nouns like it if they're so short. i'll google it, but surrounded by my opinion you may as ably stuff yourself with toilet tabloid.

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They work just fine. I perfer them over others.

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tampax peral is the best in my oppion. they come w/ 3 diff. sizes so they work for respectively day

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I only use OB, and they work great. I work contained by a job where on earth I'm away from a bathroom for hours and hours, and I very, vastly rarely own problems.

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