Can a pregnancy not show up on urine trial?

ok this is really getting on my nerves i went to hold a pregnancy test done at planned motherhood and well it be negative, however they couldn't tell me why I haven't have a period since February and why i have have pregnancy symptoms such as:

*nasuea dry heaving (i don't vomit ever)
*cramping resembling period cramps
*increase of vaginal discharge
*frequent urination
*hard lower stomach
*a street lamp brown line from belly button down
*veins sticking out on breast
*tender nipples and breast
*more tired after normal
*swollen legs
*lower back pain
*missed spell for three months
*more gassie then normal
*pressure lower than breast

i just don't know what to do something is wrong and not a soul is telling me what or why if anyone have any idea please assist.

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yes a urine test can miss a pregnancy as it isn't 100% definate.
Try another and run see your doctor for more aid in sussing out this situation.

best of luck xx

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"In the best of all possible worlds nought is impossible. " Have you tried going to a gynecologist or your family doctor?

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There are two types of pregnancy tests. One test the blood for the pregnancy hormone, hCG. The other checks the urine for this hormone. You can do a urine test at home near a home pregnancy test. You requirement to see a doctor to have blood test.

These days, most women first use home pregnancy tests (HPT) to find out if they are pregnant. HPTs are inexpensive, private, and flowing to use. Urine tests will know how to tell if you're pregnant nearly 2 weeks after ovulation. Some more sensitive urine tests claim that they can put in the picture if you are pregnant as early as soon after a missed period.

If a HPT say you are pregnant, you should call your doctor right away. You doctor can use a more sensitive oral exam along with a pelvic exam to detail for sure if you're pregnant. Seeing your doctor early on surrounded by your pregnancy will help you and your toddler stay healthy.

Doctors use two types of blood test to check for pregnancy. Blood tests can pick up hCG in advance in a pregnancy than urine test can. Blood tests can describe if you are pregnant about 6 to 8 days after you ovulate (or release an egg from an ovary). A quantitative blood question paper (or the beta hCG test) measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood. So it can find even tiny amounts of hCG. This make it very accurate. Qualitative hCG blood test just check to see if the pregnancy hormone is present or not. So it give a yes or no answer. The qualitative hCG blood test is something like as accurate as a urine test.

How do you do a home pregnancy oral exam?
There are many different types of home pregnancy test, or HPTs. Most drugstores sell HPTs over-the-counter. They cost between $8 and $20 depending on the brand and how masses tests come surrounded by the box.

Most popular HPTs work in a similar agency. The majority tell the user to hold a stick contained by the urine stream. Others involve collecting urine in a cup and then dipping the stick into it. At lowest one brand tells the woman to collect urine in a cup and next put a few drops into a special container with a dropper. Testing the urine first point in the morning may minister to boost accuracy.

Then the woman requirements to wait a few minutes. Different brands instruct the woman to keep on different amounts of time. Once the time has passed, the user should inspect the "result porthole." If a line or plus symbol appears, you are pregnant. It does not situation how faint the queue is. A line, whether bold or lightheaded, means the result is positive.

Most test also have a "control indicator" in the result skylight. This line or symbol shows whether the tryout is working or not. If the control indicator does not appear, the test is out of commission properly. You should not rely on any results from a HPT that may be faulty.

Most brands share users to repeat the test within a few days, no matter what the results. One refusal result (especially soon after a missed period) does not always be going to you're not pregnant. All HPTs come with written instructions. Most test also have toll-free phone numbers to ring incase of questions give or take a few use or results.

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Try to do the test again. Swollen legs are caracteristc of deferred pregnancy. But other symptoms... Some women would like so much to grasp pregnant so they starting to have adjectives the symptoms even though they are not pregnant. I'm not saying that you are one of them. But I really construe that this question is for a doctor, not for us. If you are not happy with your current doctor budge to another one, to another clinic. It is you right to ask for second opinion. But remember, the second assessment is not neccesarily the right one, it is just a second assessment.

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well i would go and take a blood test done they are beter than
urine audition, plus i would go and see your doctor.

What is this My Period?

While it's possible, but amazingly rare, that this is a" false pregnancy," within other words, you BELIEVE so completely that you are pregnant that you exhibit the symptoms of pregnancy, it's time to visit the gynecologist. Print out your catalogue here and give it to the doctor. Do travel immediately. Just within case your pregnancy assessment result was an error by the lab, you want to enjoy a different lab do the test for confirmation.

Lessen flow of period?!?!? HELP!?

Someone asked a similar sound out a few days ago.

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