My wife&I are trying to get pregant, She purely finished her period, when will she be ovol.&when do we enjoy sex?


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the 14th light of day after you stop your period is the best time to catch pregnant.
good luck!!

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In two weeks. If zilch happens repeatedly, bargain to a doctor or more specifically, a gynecologist.

Good luck!

My friend is afraid to have intercourse but she will do every article else,?

Ya, like someone have already said, its best to try during the 14th day after u`re wive`s time. but u have to maintain trying till she gets pregnant and not stop by basically trying only on the 14th morning ... if u know what i mean!

First Time?

Have sex every other time until her next time and you will have your basis covered. If that is too much work (which as the father of a 1 yr aged sounds crazy to me), 14 days is the general guideline, but she may want to pinpoint it better using heat measurements, etc, because there is some changeability.

Day 3 of my period?

Thats WONDERFUL!! Well, for one, pray that she get the baby.also 14th light of day is good. But try at adjectives different times. Im not trying to be a perve like that one guy...but you really wont know...coz every woman ovulates at a diffenrt time.BEST OF LUCK...I'll be praying for you and your wife!

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Women who have regular period can easily subtract when ovulation occurs. Ovulation almost other happens 14 days earlier you expect your period. For a woman who have 28 day cycles, that would be within the exact middle of the cycle, 14 days after the last length and 14 days before the subsequent one. Women who have 30 light of day cycles can expect to ovulate 16 days after the last term, which is 14 days before the subsequent one.

Women who have irregular cycles cannot predict when they will ovulate. In retrospect, they can add that ovulation occurred 14 days until that time a period, but that does not lend a hand in planning a pregnancy. Women beside very irregular cycles may obligation to use ovulation predictor kits to determine when they will ovulate. Ovulation predictor kit detect the rise in hormones that occur before the egg is released.

It is superfluous to time intercourse to coincide with ovulation. That’s because both the sperm and the egg can live inside you for a while. The egg can closing approximately 24 hours after ovulation. If sperm are available anytime during this 24 hour window, you can obtain pregnant. You don’t have to enjoy sex within the 24 hour fanlight, though. That’s because sperm can live inside you for days, waiting for the egg to be released. You can get pregnant by have intercourse anywhere from several days before ovulation to a morning after ovulation.

For example, if you ovulate on day 14 (counting the first afternoon of your period as morning 1), you can get pregnant by have sex anytime between days 9-15, and perhaps days 8 and 16 as very well. Conception will take place on time 14 or so, but you may have have sex many days in the past conception

I think Im properly sickam I?

Here is a great website to sorta track your wife's cycle. She can enter the changes within her body and the calendar tracks her menstrual cycle and her ovulation dates. It say not to use this is a main tool for planning pregnancies, but it can be used to facilitate you guys plan. Good Luck!

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