Is it alright to feel horny every time?

I am a girl 25 years old and it is embarassing for me that I quality horny almost every day, and in actuality I masturbate and sometimes I even watch porn, guess because I do not enjoy a boyfriend. Am I weirdo? And I feel really guilty doing so and is it sinful?

Smear test?

As a married man, I'm hornier than a 10-peckered owl 24/7. My wife does not enjoy the same problem. This presents some issues, conspicuously.

Don't feel guilty, it's not a sin. If it feel good and not a soul is getting hurt, how could it be a sin. Continue for as long as you as you are comfortable. The only time it is a problem is when the probing for a boyfriend(s) ends and is replaced by the masterbation.

Find yourself a reliable guy who appreciates all of you: mind, soul & body (body ending for a reason). Tease and make him linger a month in anticipation to produce sure its going in the right direction. When your ready, consent to him have a pen day next to you. What you need are orgasms from someone else, where on earth you just lay pay for and enjoy the atmosphere. The ones you have yourself are probably nice, but nearby is no mystery. Find a guy who knows what he's doing and you'll be in a in one piece new "O" world.

22 year veteran of producing "O's" for my wife and I can still suprize her. I guess man horey every day have it's benefits.

A toast to your future orgasms...

Am pregnant?

hi, what's your label?

wanna go bring a drink with me latter?

haha, i appreciate the thumbs down, but i was illustrate a point: it's perfectly usual. in reality men find it very attractive for a girl to enjoy a healthy sex drive.

I obtain this sharp pain below my left breast?

I am 30 and married and I am alike way.

After have sex..?

YEA at least for a man. We win horny every five minutes
i dont know about woman

Im 15 and i havent gotten my interval in almost 3 months what should i do besides going 2 the dr PLZ NEED HELP?

Not at all. It's conventional to feel similar to that, and do the deed when you're alone. I'm sure when you own a boyfriend you won't be masturbating as much since you'll have someone to do it beside.

Anyone had any nouns with the DEPO shot?

i guess not is it sinful i dont know

Loose V**? Help!?

I'm equal way. I enjoy no boyfriend now and when I survey porn, I feel repulsive. But it's all appropriate. No sin. It's healthy.

Painful Urination/Bleeding after Sexual Activity?

A weirdo? Not at adjectives! If every womens were similar to you, the world would be a better place.

Is there any approach to make your length end?

Come round mine annnyyyttiimmmeee :)

I have bleeding for about 2 hours and took pregnancy oral exam came out distrustful should i be worried?

It is quite allright. In certainty it is very crude.

You shouldn't feel ashamed at adjectives. Damn society and whoever else makes you consistency it is wrong.

My periods? worried plz assistance ?

no its alright.. and normal at your age.. you dont hold to be in puberty to be hormone crazy lol.. simply dont get super unforced just cuz youre horny

What's the best means of access to remove hair 'down below'? I be set to without going away red bumps or getting a rash?

No, it's middle-of-the-road. Everyone feels that route. It'll go away.

So why do i hold the bathroom runs the fluttering and the cramps and feel approaching theres something in my vagina?

In my opinion, it's both majority and healthy. You'll come together the right person someday. *thumbs up* :)

Heart conquer in stomach?

yes, your in recent times a person. You enjoy a pretty high sex drive, but so do alot of other women. Its much well again than having a drastically low sex drive.

Girl Problems! UH?

feels alright to me... enjoy it. I know too plentiful chicks who could care smaller quantity, but i think I'd shoot myself if I lost interest in sex!

Does the pill effect fertility?

LOL. It's okay and probably normal at your age.

Birth control grill?

You are not a weirdo. Stop feeling guilty. Being horny adjectives the time is only a problem if it get in the style of your job or academy or family events. Otherwise, simply enjoy it because your interest in sex will probably even off as you draw from older.

I am not getting my period from past 2 months?

no i get the impression that way adjectives the time, wanna hook up?lol

Never ending yeast infection?

I don't contemplate its wrong. Its just the track you are. Don't feel guilty.

I hold an IUD and I have have my period for a month straight?

No, Its inborn,, & sometimes we go thrue like peas in a pod stages as men do!! LOL.. its happen to me up to that time where i couldnt stop thinking going on for it everyday!! But now that i bring it almost everyday IM LOVING IT!!

Can I go to the Health Department?

its not sinful its instinctive, just call for to use u'r toys more often through out the sunshine.
i have a fiance who is competent to satisfy my requests, and i still play with my toys. and see porn whether he's home or not.

Okay I know this is a wierd question but how do you engender your boobs grow?

Hell, no, you're not weird. I'm a 25 year out-of-date guy. Until I recently get a girlfriend, I jerked stale at least 2-3 times a daytime. I couldn't surviv without porn! There's zilch morally wrong about it. It feel good and it's safe.

What happens if u clutch 15 tablets of paracetamol (500 mg each) all at once?

you are regular. If you were used to have an active sex go, why should it stop because you don't have a boyfriend? don't get the impression guilt or sin. The bible was written by men trying to bestow us gods words as they seem fit.

What is the right age for menstrual cycle?

Sin is like charm, it's in the eye of the beholder. Your go might be missing something that's not related to sex but that's how you're compensating. Try going a month without, see if you can step without the crutch.

Is in attendance a way to bring rid of strech marks?

You nouns healthy to me. It would be unnatural for you not to purloin care of business!

Having your spell duringa surgery?

Oh, please don't feel approaching a weirdo, you sound commonplace to me but then again I am a man. I mull over its awesome that you do feel that method have you told your boyfriend it will really turn him on.

Period 1 hours of daylight late, should I be worried?

I'm 23, and be aware of the same. I do enjoy a guy, but still. I am just a walking horn-dog! I estimate its normal. Isn't the mid 20's a womens sexual culmination anyways?

I watch porns too. I really approaching "Fridays without Boarders" on showcase. Its get all the "sex" shows. I approaching them.

My gyn put me on birth control pills to reduce my menstrual cramping, she give me ortho-tri-cyclen.?

It could be several things. I did the same piece right before I started my extent and while I was pregnant, I couldn't draw from enough! You could freshly have a dignified labedo and want sex all the time. I don't expect I owuld worry just about it much, I'm sure there are other girls out in that like us, they simply aren't brave enough to have a chat about it. Be in good spirits you feel that instrument, at least you savour it. There are some women out there that don;t soak up or want sex ever! GAWD! THAT would suck:(

My girlfriend is in hospital please read and letme know if she will be ok and if its my mistake?

No, it's not sinful. Yes, it's alright. No, you're not a weirdo.

I'm 37, married, and sometimes I can't get plenty. Other times, I don't want any for several weeks.

I think it's newly hormones.

Need advise please..?

where do you live at again thats so freaken hot

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