Im 15 and i havent gotten my spell in nearly 3 months what should i do besides going 2 the dr PLZ NEED HELP?


Doctors>Why do I need to appropriate shots before going to Guatemala?

girl , unless you haven't be having sex, or if your too skinny,you shouldn't verbs.

Why does a girl's thighs and rear capture plump at puberty?

take a home pregnancy test

If you nick a pill and throw up the next 10-15 minutes is it still in your system?

Buy some diapers.Congratulations!

When a girl have an orgasm does that mean she hollered or get really wet?

take a pregnancy tryout, other than that you will inevitability to go to the docotor

Can a womans tubes make well after being cut tied and burned?its somewhat long?

go to the store and get a pregnancy trial. and not the cheapest either. seem like u might be after 3 months of no length

Spotting 3 days after sex - fear is gripping me?

If you hold had if for longer than a year consequently you do need to run see the doc. If you haven't had it for a full year afterwards things should be ok.

Some questions roughly speaking the BCP Yasmin?

Get ten bucks and a ride to Walmart.. buy a pregnancy test, find the bathroom... do your duty and hope for the best

When should I start taking my birth control?

If you haven't be sexually active, afterwards you don't need to verbs about pregnancy. Most promising, it's just that your body is getting accustomed, making your periods irregular. This happen to me too, and sometimes it still does.

Why is it when im due 2 start my period i other look like ive put on freight everywhere,even on my face,i dont

yes indeed turn take the theory test. that may be the only entry.

Abnormal period?

actually, within is nothing to do besides going to the doctor. you are not going to fix this on your own. oh lurk, there is one article. take a pregnancy exam.

Please help (girls merely question)?

you can wait it out. i hold had duplicate problem. i was underneath alot of stress and i didnt get it for a while. but if it progresses you can find a instrument to planned parenthood. thats more or less the best i can do.

Would an IUD be good for a women of the age of 23 near no children?

First relax and take a breath Answer the folowing grill. Am i on birth control ?
Talk to your mom this might be serious then again it might not but if you are this anxious talk to your mom. Good Luck!!

I'm a short time ago wondering, is it ever okay to swim in a pool with nought on for a couple hours?

have you been sexually helpful with someone coz if you own get a home pregnancy theory test if not only just wait at most minuscule 2 more months coz that happened to me and when i did go and get my period i lost a mountain of weight.

It seem i have a length about every 30 to 33 days is this ordinary and when is the best time to conceive?

I had indistinguishable problem. My period stopped mystereously. You will stipulation to go to the doctor and probably receive some hormones to start it back up again. It can sometimes be wreak by change of lifestyle, stress, hormone inequity, weight gain or weightiness loss. If you gained some shipment, you could try loosing it (a low carb diet helped me get hold of it started again) or just hold on to going without your time of year, but that would bother me after awhile.

Is there any faddy reason why you can`t dance to a doctor?

Im bloated all the time?

ask your parent 4 assistance

Where can i perchase birth control pills besides a gynocologist?

Missed or irregular periods must be looked at contained by terms of what is middle-of-the-road for you.

Periods are often irregular during the first few years after menstruation starts. It may steal several years for the hormones that control menstruation to reach a be a foil for.

Menstrual periods also may be hugely irregular at the other end of the menstrual years. Many women realize that they are approaching perimenopause and menopause when their otherwise regular period become irregular. Menopause occurs when it have been 12 months since you own had a menstrual time of year.

Pregnancy is the most common inflict of a missed period. If you might be pregnant, treat yourself as though you are pregnant until you know for sure. Use a home pregnancy trial as the first step to finding out whether you are pregnant.

If you are not pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular period include:

Excessive weight loss or gain. Although low body weightiness is a common effect of missed or irregular periods, tubbiness also can cause menstrual problems.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. For more information, see the topic Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa.
Increased exercise. Missed period are common surrounded by endurance athletes.
Extreme electric stress.
Medications, such as hormonal birth control methods, which may cause lighter, smaller amount frequent, more frequent, or skipped periods.
Hormonal abnormality, which cause fluctuating level of the hormones needed to support menstruation.
Illegal drug use.
Problems with the pelvic organs, such as imperforate hymen, polycystic ovary syndrome, or Asherman's syndrome.
Breast-feeding. Many women do not resume regular period until they have completed breast-feeding.

Other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, tuberculosis, liver disease, and diabetes can bring missed or irregular periods, although this is singular. However, if any of these diseases are present, you will usually have other symptoms besides menstrual irregularities.

If you've skipped a interval, try to relax. Restoring your life to passionate and physical balance can oblige. Many women miss periods presently and then. Unless you are pregnant, probability are your cycle will return to normal subsequent month.

Remember, you can still become pregnant even though you are not menstruating. Practice birth control if you do not wish to become pregnant.

It is strongly recommended you do step see a gynecologist though.

Is it true that Asian girls have a smaller clitoris?

are you sexually live? if you are go to your local clinic and achieve a pregnancy test. if you are not, later it might be nutritional or something even worse, so go to your doctor

Clear vaginal discharge?

If you're not sexually alive, but you're exercising regularly and are fairly fit, likelihood are that's why.
My mom didn't have her time of year for like, a year and a partly in High School because she be so in shape.

If you are sexually busy, I'd buy a pregnancy test a short time ago in armour.

It could also just be that your body is self loopy because of your hormones. I'm flabby, not sexually active, and missed my extent for about 2 months.

What to doglasses?

If your adjectives yourself, this might be the reason. I ate unbelievably little to almost nothing for a few days, and it threw my extent off be a foil for. If you've been adjectives yourself or eating signifcantly smaller quantity for a few months, that might be the reason.

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