It is any wonder why we women are confused around HRT. Only?

A month or so ago We were told that definitley here was no risk surrounded by taking HRT after years of being told at hand was. Now today it have been announced that HRT have definitely be linked to cancer surrounded by women.

Surely it is about time the medical research come clean roughly hormones and cancer.

My daughter has cancer injections in her stomach for her endometrosis and it scare me thinking about it have now research have shown that this treatment is dangerous.

Why is this sort of item happening when Billions of pounds is spent on research treatments and drugs? Can anyone make clear to me please?

Is This Normal?

Every drug or medicine have its danger. When you read conscientiously the description of each drug you'll see adjectives the warning of what can appear to your liver, kidneys, heart, arteries etc.etc.

HRT has be knows (estrogen mostly) as a cancer inducer, but for women close to me, who had total hysterectomy, the hot flashes and other symptoms be so unbearable that it be my decision to risk the menace of cancer but have a existence that was bearable. Its right what dog wrote that women used to live lacking taking HRT, but what a life? No one should gossip vehemently against anything unless she experienced it. I do not suggest for taking HRTI but I think respectively case requirements to be looked into. I also did not have any flawless experience with herbal or homeopathic remedies.

To you Dee I considered necessary to say that I, resembling your mom, took hormones 50 years ago for the same foundation. In the early 80's I read roughly speaking the terrible consequences to daughters of the DES (this be the name of the hormone) luckily my daughter have no problems. But many of these women sued the company both contained by the USA and in other countries and won hulking amount of money which is not curing them but helps.

So, seriously of research is done, and research is published and we, all the women, must read, revise, as knowledge is power and next - decide. Its our enthusiasm after all.

Help! i may enjoy UTI?


This is for the girls?

I decided never to be in motion the HRT route, its not always be easy but I am sure my robustness on the whole is better surrounded by the long run... I would say never permit the doc push you into it, If they tell you that you hold to have it dont beleive them, see how you seize on without it, I own managed 5 years so far.. and I dont regret it at adjectives...

You just dont obligation it.. Its a myth

I get my extent about once every two months is that everyday?

the drug companies are only interested in profits. i enjoy to take hrt shortly for a hormone problem and every single personage has a different prospect of whether its harmful or not. i really believe humankind knows remarkably little about drugs. it sux.

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I really don't know where on earth it goes or who decide when we get the information. My mother be given a drug while carrying me because she was at rick for premature abdication. This was 53 years ago. They discovered that the drug inflict cervical cancer in any feminine offspring. I well-educated about this when I developed cervical cancer contained by 1991. Surely this information must have showed up contained by laboratory testing pay for when it was given to my mom nonetheless she was given it. Could they not see that the feminine offspring of the animals human being tested got cervical cancer?

Why won't he finish?

No doctor, for olden times 15 years at least, should ever own told a woman that there be no increased risk of cancer, particularly of breast, due to taking HRT. It have been all right known for at least possible that long that taking HRT after the age of 50 years modestly increased the cancer risk, year on year. The current 'scare' refers to the risk of ovarian cancer, which be already known to go on.

One of the problems is there are 'Lies, damned lies and statistics', I would affix to that quotation ... and medical statistics!

The increased risk is 1 extra death every five years for every 3,300 women on HRT. This is an increase of 0.007% not exactly undemanding to spot unless you follow up a large number of woman as they did for 14 years! It is not a luggage of come clean, unless you do a huge and complex study over a significant time enormity you just wont pick up small change like this.

Thousands of studies are ongoing respectively year all over the world, covering adjectives aspects of disease and drug use. They all report surrounded by dribs and drabs as the information comes in and is then interpreted, This interpretation also take time, 2 years in the skin of this study. There will of course be an never-ending stream of studies beginning respectively year, there are a moment ago so many things to check up on and science and background is endless.

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I for one will stay on hrt i come off it 2 years ago because self been on it for 5 years my life span was awful the flushes be really bad they be affecting my work mood swings you name it i feel it i tried all the herbal stuff spent a fortune on different things after 2 yrs i asked my doctor to put me rear legs on hrt i don't smoke so that's one less risk but i surface brilliant now

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I heard the woman who produced the report speaking on the radio today and the long & short of it is that "they are research more & more about HRT as time go on" (sic). Surely the time to learn roughly the effects of HRT is BEFORE it is prescribed to menopausal women & not to use them as guinea-pigs. Women have gone through the menopause since time begin but "modern" medicine think that you can change a womans hormonal match without a potential problem next to her long term strength. Although I acknowledge that for some women, the menopause can be a very mortified time, I don't think anyone have died of the menopause! It has be suggested many times over the years that at hand is an increased risk of cancers so I go wrong to understand any doctor prescribing it when they embezzle the oath to "do the patient no harm".
As a registered Homoeopath, I enjoy taken 3 calls today following this report from women who want to metamorphosis from HRT to something natural & non-harming that will backing them. I'm only too glad to assist because homoeopathy can help women beside all the symptoms of the menopause - so thankfulness for that!!

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