I am have trouble falling asleep? PLEASE HELP!?

I dont know what it is. I cannot fall asleep. I would go to bed every hours of darkness at 9:00 p.m. if I could. But I just lay nearby for hours literally. I have tried reading but adjectives it does is makes me yawn and my eyes river. Then I get into bed and I dont nose-dive asleep! I want sleeping pills but I am 14 so that is probably a no. My friend take Nyquil but I wont do that! I am going to sleep at 3:00 a.m every night (or morning) and wake up at about 2:00 p.m.! I WANT TO SLEEP!

Is this majority? Am I normal? Help! ::Gulp::?

Hi, you probably hold a disease called 'Insomnia' which is when your brain is thinking too complicated about things, even when you try to relax it and you cannot draw from to sleep for hours because although you ARE tired, your body is trying to convince you that you are not.
I have this too, and if you jump to your doctor he can subscribe you with sleeping pills, because within isn't much else you can really do.
But, also try excerscising just in the past bed, and having a chalice of milk so you are concentrating on less things, and the excerscise puts your body to sleep a bit.

I hope this help you.
Good luck!

What could be causing a extent to occur every 2 weeks?

a cup of hot milk will do wonders.

A Very Serious Question?

try to not wake up up at 2 p.m. wake up ar ound 9 and you will be so tired you'll slop asleep earlier trust me i am 14 and hold the same problem

hope this helped

own a great day : )

if you own anymore question e-mail me or im me at [email protected]

Master Cleanser/Lemonade Diet?

sleepinal is a over the counter non narcotic medication that anyone can by. Sometimes you can feel somewhat graugy in the morning but it works.

Why ? no appetite?

Okay, this is adjectives thing, within is nothing to verbs.. A warm cup of milk before you sleep would be of aid.


Once u lie down, you count from 100 backwards...until 1. u will consistency drowsy and it mite help u sleep.

joyful sleeping.

Monistat 1 question?

i do the exact same item it kills me impose i feel approaching crap due to my hours being mixed up and im on meds to sleep if u attain some good answers donate me on yahoo messenger or email me [email protected] the docs told me to try tea i love it see if it may help u or u can also try i nice hot shower to relax but gratefulness let me know if u win some good answers


Women only please, enjoy you ever had a inveterate bartholin gland cyst that became infected?

set your alarm clock to grasp up earlier next 2pm...try no later next 9am and then get hold of up no matter how tired you are. That should create it easier the next hours of darkness for getting to sleep earlier..

You might also want to try a meditation system.. I usually lay posterior and imagine I am contained by a big lake or the deep and slowly sinking, watching the waves above me as I softly drift deeper and deeper sinking resembling a leaf to the bottom. It get darker and dark and then I touch bottom consciousness the cool soft lake bottom and slightly my body sinks into that and I picture how nice it feels on my skin.. as I lay near.. I usually pass out in the past I touch bottom..
But that sort of meditation helps you mind slow down reducing the Alfa top your brain is making because of the days activities.. which make it easier to fall a sleep..

My moms frontage is really swollon what does she have to do to construct it better?

Somehow you managed to reset your internal clock. This have happened to me back and it drove me nuts. What I do when that happens is I pocket Clonopin for five nights within a row at exactly 1/2 hour before I want to go down asleep. After the five days has historic, I discontinue the sleeping pill and fall asleep at matching time every night. This happen to many general public. I just notice that you are 14-years-old. For one thing, you obligation to make faultless that you aren't consuming cafiene. Bananas and turkey contain Eltriptopan which is a natural sleep inducing agent. You could try consumption three bananas or a whole packet of turkey lunch meat every night 1/2 hour in the past you want to go to bed? Lol! You poor entity. Have you told your parents and are they willing or financially competent to take you to the doctor? One entry that always make me tired is reading. Have you tried that?

Just curious, I'm not actually going to do it, but does it hurt the first time a girl have sex?

one, hot milk IS disgusting lol

two, if you wake up quicker, then you should be capable of fall asleep.

three, if you try reading in bed, and freshly let yourself drop asleep reading, then you shouldn't own any problems. if you are sleepy finally after reading, and then you take up and walk, you are basically waking yourself pay for up again.

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