Ladies how do you touch about have a man as your ob/gyn?

my woman doctor is gone for three months and a man has taking over report she comes back and I own to see him next week and I don't perceive good in the order of it at all I know he have seen adjectives kinds of woman but he have not seen me and I don't similar to having strange men down in attendance looking around..anyone feel approaching me?what would u do.. I can't wait explain to she comes back .

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don't go see a manly doctor if you are uncomfortable. if the pop in is urgent, find another female doctor temporarily. I wouldn't stir to a male ob/gyn. I deem theres something strange and wrong about a man going into a profession where on earth he looks at naked women adjectives day. Even if they deed professional, its still a man! They are still attracted to women.

So, go ahead and calendar an appointment with another womanly doctor.

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I would fairly not see a male ob/gyn also. I would try to reschedule next to any female vitally if it is something that needs attention asap. Or else reschedule beside her if it is just the run of the mill annual, you can get prescription refill over the phone.

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well gosh, any you see him or you wait, to be exact pretty clear to me. Seems rather silly to raise objections to the sex of a doctor, but I guess each of us grow up at different rates. Make your choice and quit whining.

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You are seeing a doctor. Not a uninformed guy. They are professionals just doing their livelihood. As long as you are comfortable with your doctor in that shouldn't be a problem.

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I would wait. I know they are professionals, but still I don't want another man to look down below. I enjoy a female doctor and wouldn't budge to a man.

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I don't care who looks at my azz as long as they know what they are doing. A man can't do any more wound than a woman can. He looksa t butts all sunshine, yours is no different. I think the adjectives thing is a bit childish.

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I have have two OB-GYNs who were men and I like them both. Both of them had great bedside manners. They be good listeners and did things to put me at mitigate. They both were accurate at explaining things and answering my questions.

I don't expect the sex of the doctor is as important as the road the doctor relates to and communicates with you. I ruminate you should at least move about to your appointment with an get underway mind. You will probably find out that having a mannish OB-GYN is okay.

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My gyn is a male. At first i be a little like a cat on a hot tin roof about seeing him but after have a cervical cancer scare a few years ago and have many doctors look at it i don't thinking anymore. I found every doctor very kind, and polite

Just hold thinking that yes he has see many until that time and many surrounded by the future.. he is not at hand to do a looky-lou and if you feel discomfited remember that when you have a toddler everyone will be looking at it.. so you may as well receive used to it now.

If you grain that uncomfortable own a female nurse present or bring a trusted womanly friend


Hmm,I dunno!I never have be to a gyno i should though,im 19 and should have a look in by now.I would clearly feel even more embarrased ,though,if he's hot.But if it's some out-of-date guy i would definitely skulk,eewww....

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I know you don't feel comfortable beside the situation of a male individual your gyn, I didn't either the first time. I be thinking to myself that men only become gyn's to enjoy a free look at female "goodies" adjectives the time. But it doesn't matter if it is a mannish or female that's giving you the exam both of their answers will be matching ( mostly). I have a mannish gyn and a female nurse is present when he starts the exams and she stays nearby until he is done and you get dress. You might enjoy to request that a female nurse be present contained by the room the time of your exam. Maybe this will make you touch a little comfortable. If not consequently I think that it will be best if you simply wait til your regular gyn comes back.


When I be pregnant I was resembling NO MATTER WHAT IT'S GOING TO BE A FEMALE! I found one and I just didn't resembling her at all. My friend who have a baby resembling 6 months before me recommended a Doctor who be a male. At first I be hesitant but I give him a shot just because he have such a great recommendation! Now I would see nobody else! He be the best Dr I could've asked for. A good Doctor will spawn you feel comfortable and it shouldn't situation if the Doctor is female or manly.

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i've see a man dr. but he left the practice im next to. i do prefer a woman doctor though.

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that stinks! but he is a doctor and should feat like one. some of my best dr.s own been men, one big downfall is that a feminine nurse has to be within the room with you both while he is checking personage is enough!! but if your no comfortable near something he does, you need to speak about him, and maybe request someone else till she get back. appropriate luck!

Do tampons hurt?

I've always preferred have a female gyno. But finishing year I was contained by a situation where the solitary doctor available was a man. It really wasn't a big treaty.
He's a doctor, he's a professional. Just like a feminine doctor, he sees vaginas adjectives the time.
My advice is only just get over it and you will never be cause undo stress again.

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The first article to keep within mind is that the doctor is a professional. It's not a sexual or titilating situation for the doctor to look at your genitals anymore than it is exciting for a dentist to look at teeth or a radiology technician to do a mammogram or any other medical professional. And while that comforts some people, it may not be impossible to tell apart for you.

That aside, there are excellent gynecologists who are men, and frightful gynecologists who are men. And the same go for women. There should certainly be a nurse present contained by the room during the exam. I can certainly get why you might be uncomfortable beside seeing a strange man for the first time. Perhaps seeing if you could speak with him contained by his office back the exam (you know, with adjectives your clothes on) might help. I've have bad gyn exams near male doctors and near female doctors. And I've have good exams beside male doctors and near female doctors.

A appropriate doctor is a good doctor regardless of sexual characteristics though. I hope you can find a way to be comfortable near seeing him, and that you feel better soon.

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I go to a woman doctor one time and I was more mortified with her than I be with my masculine doctor. At my doctor's at least he keep you covered the female ripped the broadsheet gown away and made the comment "we don't need this" I be thinking oh yes we do! when I was pregnant my doctor see it more than my husband!

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