Seious press for girls: Do all women own breast milk?

Hey, I was wondering, do adjectives girls have breast milk? Or do you solitary get it when you are pregnant?

I other thought that the break milk only happen after a mom gives birth, but I hear about some family surving on a raft boat by drinking some woman's breast milk? So can any girl buy a breast pump and pump out milk? Or only recent mom's.

How do I find the product "Massengale hygene products for womanly's?

Generally it is the pregnancy hormones that stimulate the breasts to produce milk, but the milk ducts are there from the time the breasts develop. Breast size doesn't indicate the competence to milk in sum, as the extra breast tissue is fat.
Very few women, if stimulated by sucking at the nipples, can bring on milk, but this is both unlikely and unusual, and it really doesn't happen overnight.
Some women who enjoy breastfeed in yesteryear, do bring in milk again without individual pregnant, due to emotional stimulation. My mother's breasts chock-a-block up again when my sister had the first grandchild, within spite of the youngest member of our family unit being surrounded by their teens! But Mum had breast feed the nine of us, maybe that make a difference.
And my sister's breasts become full and hard when stimulated by holding an infant. But this does cart a few days too.
So its unlikely if she hasn't been pregnant, and/or breastfed contained by the past, that she would know how to produce milk.
But why would you want her to?

Do you think that 11 is too babyish to shave?

Yes , Only if you had a infant .

I'm pretty sure I have a sexual dysfunction?

once a woman have had a little one, she (most anyhow) will produce milk. if a woman pumps milk, she can continue to produce milk after the kid is weaned.

Why will girls never say how much they mas tu r bate?

the breasts usually start producing milk in the 5th - 7th month of the pregnancy ( if u squeeze the breast little bit my come out - this is how the nurses check if u hold breast milk) and they start letting the milk after the pregnancy, but thats the ordinary passageway...
if the girl is not pregnant don't expect her boobs to be full with milk

Seriouslyy butchery me.?

It only develops during the pregnancy. If they other had the milk they would be no intention to go buy any from Giant in a minute would there?

Do women acquire white discharge?

yeah, if you are pregnant

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