Morning after pill, side effects?

i took the morning after pill yesterday. and never even experienced any side effects from it..

and i hear that most women usually experience side effects.

is it a bad entry that i didnt experience any side effects? does that mean it did Not work for me?


Nope. I didn't own side effects at first either. But it did screw my time up. I had a really feathery one for a week, followed by a normal one for a week. It also come a little next than normal. It's a huge dose of horomones, so it could mess up your cycle for a month or two. But, only just because you didn't feel sick/vomit/etc. doesn't have it in mind it didn't work.
And in response to the answer above mine, morning after pills do not and cannot exterminate a concieved baby. They can lone keep the egg from mortal fertilized or implanted. Check your facts, people.

Anyone have this surgery before?

Some women are not as sensitive to drugs as others.

I'm not sure if you know this, but if in attendance is a chance that you did conceive, next taking the morning after pill will actually gun down the newly conceived newborn...

You might never even know you were pregnant

Ok i ponder i am about to start my length does anyone know some symptoms i should look for?

I never experience any side effects either, but surrounded by the long run the pill screwed me up. It messes with your hormones, after taking it i get a terrible acne outbreak and it took in the region of a year for it to clear up. Also, my periods also get very irregular.

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