Would asking your teacher for their number be abnormal?

I've started running laps next to my gym teacher every morning as a method of stress nouns, and actually, it's be working quite powerfully, not to mention I've also lost a bit of weight. :D

But the summer is coming and conservatory's going to be out soon, and I'm really worried about getting stressed out again, so i thought nearly asking my teacher if we'd be capable of meet up during the summer for the occasional run around the city. Do you suppose it's a weird entry to ask a teacher for her number or what?

** I also know she doesn't own any children, so she might want something to do during the summer, no?

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I would just contact her through e-mail. It save some of the awkwardness and seems more proper for any student-teacher contact.

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Find someone your own age to run near. It would be more meaningful to achieve a friend for this activity.

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I'm sure that wouldn't be weird. if she is running near you almost every morning I'm sure she wouldn't mind running with you during summer. try it out. if she feel uncomfortable than she Will consent to you know but I'm sure she wont.

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kind of bring the cross-examine up casually, close to "hey, maybe i could send for you this june and run 10 miles around the city" or something. Believe me, if you dont look emmbarrassed, you won't look stupid, which is why people seize emmabrrassed.

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Asking her for her #, could put her in an awkward situation, teacher are not supposed to socialize with students. Instead you might allusion that you don't know what you are going to do without a running buddy for the summer, that route she has the opportunity to suggest a time and place for the 2 of you to run.

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I don't think it would be grotesque, if you are already running with her. Go for it. Keep doing the angelic things for yourself. Good job!

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Actually, them giving it to you (their phone number) would be weirder

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Its not weird at all wanting the number or a person that help you mentally when your in a fruitless place or even stressed. by law teacher or any one related to education is not permitted to have private contact near a student ...however if requested by a parent for extra classes or permitted by parents and a consent form signed,and the parents are aware of times,routes and when,etc.then it should be possible but hold your parents or guardians ask...but you might also want to consider that the summer holidays is a break from the teachers ,perchance the teachers stipulation a break from the kids

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