Anyone near any knowledge on the subject PLZ relieve me.. im scared i enjoy TSS :(?

my condition is probably really unreliable for you to form an opinion on. because some of the symptoms i enjoy at the moment are also symptoms for what iv currently been diagnosed for- tonsillitus. the origin im worried is becoz my period finished 3/4 days ago but everyday iv be getting this shooting pain where on earth you wud normally suffer time of year pain. its unbelievably brief lasting a few second and i get a couple of times a year or maybe once. the article is this time wen i had my spell id run out of of the lower absorbency tampons, wen i rly needed them. so i have to use the super one and one time i pulled it out it hurt becoz there be nothing on it and another time within was just anything too. i have a frenzy which is apparently a symptom of tss, but it is of tonsilitus too. my tonsilitus shud be better within a week so i guess if i still enjoy pain by afterwards or fever, i shud see a doctor?

After have my daughter who is now2,I have some discharge when i cough..?

If you have TSS you would be feeling drastically ill indeed. Red cheeks are a adjectives symptom. If you generally grain OK I'm sure you'll be fine. To take the verbs away, go to you doctor so that he/she can put your mind at rest. Here are the symptoms:

frenzy of 102o F or higher


malaise (uneasiness and despair)



red, flat rash that covers most of the areas of the body

shedding of the skin in generous sheets especially over the palms and soles (this is seen one to two weeks after the birth of symptoms)

low blood pressure



muscle pain

increased blood flow to mouth, eyes, and vagina making them appear red

decreased urine output and sediment in urine

decrease liver function

bruising due to low blood platelet count

disorientation and confusion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria for streptococcal TSS:

dangerously low blood pressure


decrease kidney function

bleeding problems

bruising due to low blood platelet count

red, flat rash that covers huge areas of the body

liver problems

shedding of the skin in large sheets especially over the palms and soles (this does not other occur)

difficulty breathing

When you get your length do you get cracked at people alot?

Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome can be complicated to recognize because they mimic the flu. If you experience sudden lofty fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, faint, or a rash that looks close to a sunburn during your period or a few days after, contact your doctor right away. Also, if you're wearing a tampon, remove it straight away. One or two weeks after initial symptoms begin, flaking and blistering of the skin occurs, basically on the palms and soles. If your doctor determines that your symptoms are TSS, you will probably be sent to a hospital for treatment. With proper treatment, patients usually get economically in two to three weeks.

Women lower than 30, especially teenagers, are at a higher risk for TSS, because some females that age may not nonetheless have antibodies to the toxin. Using any thoughtful of tampon--cotton or rayon of any absorbency--puts a woman at greater risk for TSS than using menstrual pads.

Lupron Depot?

I dont deliberate you should wait a week if u suspect TSS. It is impressively dangerous. I dont ponder pain surrounded by the lower ab is a symptom of tonsilitis is it?

Please help me!! I dunno what happen!!?

No no it can't be Toxic Shock Syndrome. The medicine you are taking for tonsillitis will relieve in this also. You must be taking antibiotics & anti inflamatory next to mouth wash for tonsilittis than first two of above medicin will help out you with current problem also.

IUD query?

it appears that you have made for a while google search on TSS,bt fairly than worrying your head sour,seek a physician's warning and get antibiotics for your 'tonsillitus'. TSS is immensely rare,and it would present near a high-grade fever,low BP and other symptoms . You have better take gynecologic direction,it appears to me like a vaginal infection,but for want of sufficient information,i wouldn't hazard a guess.

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Seeing a doctor cant hurt, in the future STAY AWAY from tampons, those things are so mortified anyway i would only use them if i have to go swimming or something.

Period examine for girls?

don't panic toxic shock is thoroughly rare & resembling the other people said you'd grain pretty sick like u enjoy the flu, low blood pressure is another symptom so you'd feel weak- the shooting stomach-ache can be muscle cramps or prevent tss and other problems when you use tampons change it every 6 hours or smaller number, if u take one out and at hand's hardly anything in it, dont use another one until ur beefy enough to obligation it & wash ur hand well afterwards, & use a fresh one right in the past going to bed...u say you've be busy and stressed, taking medicine and have tonsillitis no wonder ur having ache n all that, so start consumption right and get plenty sleep (u need to guzzle good when taking meds since some especially stomach-ache killers can upset ur stomach)

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