Has anyone ever used the birth control patch?

Did any of you have any problems beside it? I had main high blood pressure and terminated up in the emergency room and I am individual 21. Tell me your stories

Lightheaded,dizzy and brown discharge ??

I didn't really have any robustness problems besides terrible mood swings. I get pregnant with my 3rd child while using it though. When I told my Dr just about the pregnancy she said that it seems that most of her pregnancies that she have come into the office happen while on the patch..I wouldn't recommend it to anyone!

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I wouldn't use it at all. I used it for a few months and get constant rashes, but besides that within are too many reports out immediately that are stating major complications near the patch.

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Ugh, I detested it! My periods are definitely normal, in 27-31 days apart each month. The patch screwed this up religiously -- I once have my period straight for 2 weeks!

And consequently when I decided to run off the patch, I didn't draw from my period for a month-and-a-half. My boyfriend and I took roughly speaking 4 pregnancy tests, even though we used back-up protection (they be all negative). When I finally get my period, it be painful and weighty and took another month to get support on track.

The patch is terrible. There's nought wrong with taking a pill everyday!

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