Which is the best method of birth conrol? Depo shot, the bill, or the ring? Any opinion?

I am trying to decide on a method and would approaching people's opinion on what works for them. Thanks.

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Talk with your doctor to desire which method of birth control is right for you. Only you and your doctor know your body, and how it will react to the a range of methods. Some women aren't comfortable using the ring, while others don't like the pill because they hold to remember it every day, etc. You should establish based on what you want, and what your doctor recommend.


Nuvaring is the best!

After having sex, will your subsequent period come tardy? that is what i hold heard. pls, its imprtant.?

The solitary thing 100% effectual is abstinence.

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An aspirin tablet, held tightly between the knees.

When do my periods return to ordinary after having an iud put within?

Well I've only tried the pill myself, but I am a pharmacist and go and get some feedback from patients.
As far as the shot goes..since it finishing three months, you only take your period that normally. So if you're starting birth control as a form of preventing pregnancy, you won't have the time every month to assure you that you aren't pregnant.
The pill..you have to remember to thieve it everyday at the same time or the usefulness decreases slightly a bit..there are side effects, but explicitly with adjectives birth control. But if you want to delay your time for something like a leave, you do have the route to continue taking your pills to miss a spell (that all depends on what type of pill you procure placed on though)
The ring..haven't heard too much feedback in the region of it honestly. The thing that scare me a bit about newer products is that ALL the side effects aren't really specified until it's been out for a while.I stingy look at the patch...that came out somewhat before the ring, and in a minute they are pulling it off the open market..
Hope this helps you a bit!! :)

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I individually enjoy the copper IUD certain as Paraguard. However, I was on Depo Provera, the shot for almost 10 years cumulatively. With Depo, I really have no problems until the end when I started to attain frequent and painful migraines. Also I have packed on 60 lbs since I started taking it. The substance didn't bother me, just the migraines. Also, I didn't achieve my period for 10 years. I figure that it was due to the hormones and the doctor suggested something non-hormonal. I fixed with the IUD since it last up to 10 years and has no hormones. I hold since had no migraines and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. However, I did enjoy heavier bleeding the first couple of months and cramps. I did go on the pill for a touch while, yet couldn't manipulate the estrogen and began to grain sick and nauseated all the time. Also, it's liberal of a hassle to take it everyday at like peas in a pod time. Depends on how old you are and what variety of lifestyle you live. I am not planning on having children anytime soon and needed a non-hormonal method that I wouldn't have to estimate about everyday, everyweek, etc. I hope my story have helped!

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Eff that human being who said abstinence...that's unrealistic. If you can do it, sure, but if your contained by a relationship, it's better to use it (dummy). Not you but THAT person. I individually do not believe that women should use birth control that affects the hormones. Buy your own condoms and have him use it every time. You never can trust men to be loyal, and what kind of dirty stuff they gain into with other population. The only other one that methods I would suggest is the IUD, which is non hormonal and last a loooong time--years, I think. Also, if youre not allergic to spermicide, use K-Y Jelly beside nonoxynol-9 (spelling?)l with using condoms. Don't use birth control pills, ring or anything hormonal things...some people are getting sick and purchase weight next to those things. Also blood clots which can be fatal. Just recount the guy to put that condom on each and every time.

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well near dep provera i tinhk the precentage of women who experience weight gain 70 percent even up to 30 pounds some dont gain any though n it stays in ur body for three months so its stuk here! while the pill u can stop it at any time u want to n from wat i experience no weight gain smaller number crampin n shorter periods i dont knwo anythin almost the ring sry hope i helped

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