
I got my length today. if i exercise a lot during the weekend will it stop it from coming so robust on monday? i used to be in soccer and during that time my flow wasnt stocky.

Is it possible to get some class of disease in your genital for drought of use?

Exercise may help smoothness some of the pain of the flow but it won't completely stop it. Something else you could do to serve ease some of the burden is to increase the level of iron you bring in by drinking things like spinach, raisins, and peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course).

Also, because you enjoy had problems next to your periods mortal heavy I would recommend that you see your dr to enjoy this situation evaluated to see what they think could be cause this.

How do i enlarge my breasts next to medications?

no. If anything..excercise will put together the flow HEAVIER.

Is there an anti-depressant that is to say not addictive? Hormone replacement that does not cause blood clots?

Moderate sports pursuit will help surrounded by many ways, not simply reducing flow amount. It will ease cramps, dull pain and inflamation. If the flow continues to be high, I recommend you call round your gynecologist soon.

Ok.. the nuva ring? does it slip out when having intercourse?

i don't deem it stops from flowing, because when i play soccer i just hold coming, but that just me. you equally might have a heavily built flow but when your playing soccer its not so heavy.

What's a perfect lotion to make your foot soft?

nope just a qawincidence((CAN NOT SPELL))

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