I really want to try tampons, but my mom is not for them at all. what should i do?


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Maybe mom have a bad experience near them. I would ask her what the hang up is. If it's a medical article, you might want to take her direction.
However, I would just shift out and get them myself. Surely she doesn't step in the bathroom near you, so just hang on to them in your purse or surrounded by your room somewhere.
Good luck!

What is the best deodorant?

go buy them yourself

Ortho tricyclen lo.?


Could i die if i didnt eat while individual pregnant?

get a job and buy them yourself. or use a friends

Why am I not getting my length?

just explain to you mother why you dont like pad or tell your mother why you would resembling to start wearing tampons im pretty sure it will take your mom a while to settle on if tampons are what you should use but telling your mother pad are not comfortable might help you its worth a try but your mom know best

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tampons ARE a might more comfortable, i would try explaining to my mother that pad are uncomfortable, and that trying a tampon wouldn't hurt. I indicate, wearing tampons doesn't make you not a virgin or anything resembling that, and they most definately smell better. also, leakage onto clothing isn't as big of a problem. apt luck!

Can a tampon get lost inside you such that extraction requires medical assistance?

Tampons are really amazing... I was other scared to try them, but once I did adjectives my problems of worrying about if I'm bleeding through, and response wet be gone. It is your body and ultimately your decision to desire if you want to use them or not. Your mom is probably thinking about TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrom) And it's a sickness that you can obtain from tampons but it is EXTREMELY rare, and most of the time it happen because the person's hand are dirty and germy when putting it in. Just wash your hand before you put one contained by. Do some research on your own about tampon sanctuary and about inserting them, and discuss to your mom and tell her that you would close to to start using them and that you've done your research and will be careful.

Does this tight-fisted I got her knock up?

Buy them yourself. Its your body, what you want to use is up to you, not her. Youll be glad you did. They are 100x more comfortable then pad. Its awesome going to sleep without worrying something like waking up to stains, and adjectives that junk you enjoy to worry almost with pad.

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