Can a tampon carry lost inside you such that extraction requires medical assistance?

I inserted a small tampon; the next time I go to the bathroom the tampon was gone. I checked the toilet and it hadn't fall out and into the toilet without me sense it.

I haven't had a length since April of this year. What should I do?

Read this site here:

Does weight have anything to do with the echelon?

Didnt you read that phamplet that comes in the box. Go to the ER.

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where would it go? the answer is no

Is something wrong when I hold these symptoms?

No. Try squatting and see if you can reach it.

Whats away i can engineer my stomach cramps relax that tyme of the month?

yes it can

Did anyone ever have wierd problems near their throat like if its not one entity its always another? im terrified!

I've seen patients come into the ER next to the chief complaint "possible retained tampon."
However, your vagina is a closed area. Unless your cervix be dilated, or you had an anal-vaginal fistula, it can't achieve anywhere else.
This is going to take you getting pretty darn intimate near yourself to get it out. Relaxing as much as possible (I know, trouble-free for me to say!) will support. If you really cannot get it out to reclaim your life, you may own to get a condition care professional to comfort you.
I wish you the best!

After sex I hold a white discharge?

Its not lost its still there. There is no where on earth it can go. It sounds resembling the string got pushed up in attendance. You can reach up nearby and get it out beside a spoon or possibly your fingers. (Yes im aware that sounds sick.) Or you need to run to the Dr and have them grasp it out if you can't do it yourself.

Where exactly is the hymen. lol?

There is no way for a tampon to return with lost inside you. Since you are positive that it did not fall out, you necessitate to make sure you capture it out. If you can't get it, you will enjoy to go to the doctor to enjoy it removed.

For ladies who use just pad..what do u do when u go swimming and it's that time of the month?

ive other wondered the same item, but i found out that the opening surrounded by the end of the vagina is too small for any tampon to capture through.
but if you really dont know where it is, and muse its still in you, later you should go see your doctor, because theres a large chance that if it is surrounded by you, you could get TSS from the microbes.
hope that helped

Is it ok to exercise when i'm on my time?

It is still there. NO it cant go and get lost. What you need to do is calmly poke yourself with 1 finger and you will consistency it. I had that come about before. What happen is that the cord somehow has gone up you and you stipulation to push (like you are pushing a baby out) and you will get the impression the tampon come downward and touch your finger. Then grab any division of the tampon and pull it out.
Are you sure you didnt already steal it out? Sometimes i think i hold one on and the realize I never put one on.

How do i find tampons that are really small that fit a 14 year-old?

No, I am pretty sure that can not happen because the cervix (Ibelieve it is the cervix) act as a natural wall between your vagins and the rest of your body, rather than only continuing up all theway into your body. However, the even verrrry slight possibility is precarious, no matter how strange and unlikely because if this did crop up to be the case, it could head to infection and possibly toxic shock symdrome the konger it stays in. You should see a doctor and make sure of this on the sour chance that it could head to something more serious.

My husband wants to hold anal sex but i am really afraid i will embarrass myself?

Yes it can..sorry to say...and if it isn't removed medically you can receive an infection and become very severely sick. I know this because I have a cousin that this same piece has happen to and she had to stay surrounded by the hospital for treatment because she waited to long...Get Medical Help NOW!!

Lump underneath armpit?

No a tampon cannot get lost inside of you. You vagina is not that long. Just conquer up and fish out the tampon if it is still in at hand. If you can't feel it afterwards you must have pulled it out by luck.

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If you're positively sure about this, I would shift see your doctor right away. I don' t think it's crucial to go to the ER (considering the charges are sky high), I would however, obtain an "urgent care" type appointment. Same day or subsequent day to your OB-GYN as they want to get that out of your body.

Any 'automatic' ways to help get hold of my periods stern?

If inserted as normal it cannot "grasp lost". The Vaginal space is only so big and it is finite at the cervix. If you definately have an idea that that it is still inside then you should try squating and relax and thoughtfully insert a couple of fingers inside yourself, you should be able to consistency the tampon and gently verbs it out. It is important not too depart a tampon in more consequently the recommended 8 hours as you could develop the very serious "Toxic Shock Syndrome". If you can't discern it or remove it, it may not be there, but if you can't you might necessitate a medical professional to take a closer look. Have a travel yourself first . Stay calm and honourable luck.

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