Does this parsimonious I got her knock up?

Ok i guess this might be kinda gross but, i had unprotected sex near my girlfriend the day she started her term and then the subsequent day it merely stopped. shes freakin out thinking that maybe that ability she got pregnant motivation after the fact we found out its possible to still catch pregnant while on your period. Does anyone own an explaination for why it would suddenly just stop after 1 morning?

How many relatives had a HPV shot?

she could be pregnat
she wants to take a try-out.

best of luck. my wishes to ya!

Why did my period come tardy?

Well that was silly of you wasnt it!!

The uterus contracts to push out blood, and also contracts during orgasm. For some women, have a strong orgasm pushes the so much of the blood out of their uterus that their period stops.

But she should carry a pregnancy test done.

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she should ask her doctor

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The only point I can suggest is a pregnancy test, THE ONE that will show up within a few days to calm her down.

Best of Luck,
Diana D

Twins?Or am I crazy?

Even she did spill out pregnant on that day it is not predictable that it would have cause her period to stop.

If she be pregnant it would not show up on a HPT just but, as it is to early to detail.

Period question!?

okay..her time stopping the next daytime has nought to do with getting pregnant.Periods are they stop and step. Also, she is not likely to carry pregnant as it is not her fertile time due to her shedding. Stop worrying!!

Visit to OB-GYN?

Having sex while menstruating can alter the length. How heavy and long are her period usually. How heavy be period merely before and merely after sex? How many times this month hold you had unprotected sex?

It is possible, but it would be smaller amount likely for her to bring back pregnant at that time and SUDDENLY her period stops. The amount of time to conception and hormonal release from the blastula are not relatively that rapid.

Hope for her sake she's not pregnant from someone who so humanitarianly asks "did I get win knocked up". I hope for her sake she runs away screaming and never negotiations to you again.

Grow up and grow some decency and manners.

GIRLS individual!?

well if she is young like13-17 it could be she is newly irregular . when a girl first starts her period allot of the time she will steal a couple years to get on a conventional schedule.resembling spot bleeding very short period. etc.and sex during menstruation actually massage muscle in the vaginal which can temporally stop bleeding make happen the muscles are not contracting and releasing the skin and thematter embedded the the wall of the uterus. and it is possible to procure pregnant while on your period, but unlikely. some women do ovulate on their time of year, not many though. most ovulate 7 to 10 days previously their period. and here is only a 3 hours of daylight window to conceive. don't verbs stress on her can actually couse a hitch in the return of bleeding, sometimes for months. in that is nothing you can do nearly it now, so if it doesn't return contained by a couple of weeks take a check and pray. but i would bet you are fine. contact me if you find out for sure i would be curiouse to know the out come:)

Reglan while pregnant?

she could be.have her lift a home pregnacy test,but i dont feel it will work while shes on her period.what be you trying to do,get a blood transfusion? lol.

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she should take a examination.
the possibillity of getting pregnant when having sex on your length is low.

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