I've never gotten my period, whats up next to that?

I will turn 18 at the end of October, and I still haven't gotten my time of year. I saw my primary care physician in the order of this several times and also two endocrinologists, and they said that I am fine (I do have other condition problems, though they shouldn't contribute to this "primary amenorrhea"). Also, I am not at all under-weight. My mom and protective aunts all get theirs between the ages of 10 and 12 (my dad has no sisters). I guess my put somebody through the mill is: Is this normal for some individuals, or am I just some sort of genetic freak?

A question paper to find out if you have have sex? (Females)?

No you are not a freak, women are all different and you in recent times happen to be a behind schedule bloomer. Some women can get their spell as late as the age of 23. It adjectives depends on each woman's body and since you hold already been to see your primary assistance physician and two endocrinologists, I wouldn't worry something like it. Embrace it for now because when you do finally go and get to have your length you will have to operate with the cramps, bloating, pms, pad, tampons, lol. You'll be fine, I wouldn't worry going on for it but if I were you I would progress see a gynecologist just to enjoy the doctor check me out one more time and see what the doctor tell you.

I had a laparoscopy to remove endometriosis. Will my time be normal this month?

i suggest that if your doctors and physicians all said that you're fine, afterwards you're okay. i don't think you should verbs about anything or anyone abnormal =)


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you're lucky lol

but on a serious note, 5% of the feminine population never will get their time of year. you might be in that 5 percent.

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no you are not...just skulk...that is adjectives...

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You're fine, it only hasn't happened all the same.

Was this a multiple orgasm?

As long as your primary care physician say you are fine, I would probably not worry..at your age you probably should see a gynecologist..in attendance could be a hormonal imbalance possibly..best of luck :)

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There is nothing unexpected abnout this. Everybody juust gets thiers at different times. In reality, you may have already have it and just not experienced the symptoms as severly. You could own had one and not even certain it.

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well your so lucky but it's not a problem that it never transpire but u need another Doctor thoughts.

I get a question?

Nah, you're fine...you're lucky!

I get mine when I was 12...and it's be a pain ever since ( no pun intended)

Don't verbs about it, you'll carry it.

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You are not a freak. We all develop differently. Yes, it's normal for some family.
There's a chance that you might not attain it, too.

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18 is a very big age not to have your length. Most girls start around 13 or so, but everyone's different. Most that start later is because they are under-weight but close to you said that's not a problem. Keep in contact near a gynocologist about this, and if they voice not to worry than don't. Consider yourself blessed! Periods are such a aching!

Fingering cause first performance of vagina bleeding. HELP. SERIOUS.?

i would get a second evaluation. there are a large amount of reasons why you would not be have periods, some "fine" and some not so fine. a upright friend of mine never had period until she was 20, after only immediately and then (1 to 2 times per year). after EIGHT years of frequent doctor's appointments and trying to get pregnant, she found out that she have polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS). this is not something most practitioners test for right rotten the bat. i would look it up and see if any of the other symptoms pertain to you/your situation.

if you're able, i would clearly try going to a naturopath. it could be something as simile as nutritional though that would be extremely rare.

Which is more scratchy, kicking a man in the balls 10 times or a women giving birth?

If you own had ultrasounds to determine that the plumbing is adjectives intact, then I guess you newly have to hang around. If you get to 19 and especially if you hold not had an ultrasound, brand an appointment with an gynecologist and find out. You imagined need hormonal support.

Lower vertebrae pain that travels to my hip bones, down my legs.. WHAT IS CAUSING THIS?

I could be from a few different reason.

Imperforate meaning that near is no outlet for menstrual fluid. So you may be having a extent, but it cannot exit the body. Do you experience cyclic menstrual pain?

There are an assortment of genetic abnormalities which approaching Turners Syndrome and Androgen insensitivity. In turners syndrome, females are usually sexually undersized. They may have a broad chest and be shortet. Also they enjoy a 45 x,o chromosome type instead of xx.

In Androgen insensitivity, mannish hormones are being produced, but they are not acting properly. Therefore, the personality looks like a feminine. There is a very outstanding female actress that have this and its not possible to update by looking.

Genetic testing can be done to check.

There is also something call congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The adrenal glands are next to the kidneys and they kind hormones 3 different types of hormones: one to control salt, the second to be precise steroid hormones, and finally sex hormones(estrogen types). The pathways are complex and ethnic group could have increases or decrease in different types of these hormones. Urinary test are available to check for these hormones.

Also, have you have an ultrasound to check if all the structures are present: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubules?

Hope that you numeral it out what is happening. I know that not knowing is the worst opinion.

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well guess what, this takes time for you to develop on your body, so the time of year is trying to find when it should come out. But, there be a little newborn that had in that period at the age of 1, later someone raped her at the age of 5, so the police is trying to find evidence of the person who have did it. Plus, the baby might hold a child at the middle of June.

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