What pills interact next to birth control?

I'm currently taking anti-depressants and sleeping regulation pills, both perscribed by my doctor.

I'm not on birth control yet, but will any of these pills interact near it?/make it not work/work less?

Are these still side effects of the plan b pill?

The solely thing I know that counteracts near Birth Control pills is antibiotics. Anti depressants and sleep aids are fine.

Abortion alternatives?

The only article I've ever been warn about is herbal medication. Hopefully it was indistinguishable doctor that perscribed the other meds and if not I'd generate sure that he or she knew what else you be on. More than likely they won't interact but it's worth checking on.

If a woman if 45 and have a tiny amount of bleeding between periods what does this miserable ?

you should be fine. antibiotics are the pills most notorious for making birth control pills smaller number effective.

Getting a breast fall refferral?

Ask Your Pharmacist!
I Think Antibotics Have In The Past!

Help por favor?

Antibiotics hinder the efficiency of birth control so if you have to rob any antibiotics it is always best to practice out of danger sex for that month to prevent pregnancy. If you are worried about taking meds next to BC you can always ask the pharmacist and they will explain the risks and reason.
Good luck

Pain after.?

Certain pills have interactions beside different medicines. For example, YAZ make the body retain potassium, so using medicines that contain potassium is commonly contraindicated. As well, infallible ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin-II receptor antagonists (heart meds).
Be absolutely sure to ask your doctor more or less specific drug interactions between your current medications and the pill he or she proposes.

The solitary ones that are absolute are antibiotics and Saint John's Wort. Otherwise, its drug specific, so put together sure!

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