What are the signs that I could enjoy IBS?


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It vary for different people. But it is largely bloating, you can get cramps or backache in your belly area and it can sometimes be hurting before or during going to the toilet.
I enjoy had this problem of IBS for 2 years. For me, I procure pain during or after I own eaten and after the pain stops once I own emptied my bowels.
I suggest you see your doctor to speech about it as it could be copious other things- the symptoms for wheat allergy can be quite similar, and other things too, so it is worth getting test done and that way clarify what is going on.
I am sorry to hear if you are have these problems. I wouldn't wish IBS within anyone.
The cause is unknown, and no cure nonetheless found, but it is manageable- if you definitely know specifically what you have consequently you can treat the symptoms and with a apposite diet can live quite as a rule.
It does fluctuate but try not to worry around it. Just go see a doctor and they will know how to really check and find out for you.
Take care and perfect luck.

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I enjoy IBS and my signs were bleeding in the toilet and in the stool itself. Plus cramping and difficulty going for me. I have a colonoscopy? (microscope inserted in rectum to view colon, etc.) Very rough and uncomfortable though, but I hear most people acquire a local anastetc (spelling?), I did not!? Good luck to you!

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Some IBS Symptoms: Abdominal pain, nouns of abdominal pain beside defecation, feeling of incomplete evacuation, bloating, abdominal swelling, ratification of mucous

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