I hold a question something like postpartum bleeding!?

I had my son 9 days ago. I didn't bleed much at adjectives yesterday and up until about 5 o'clock today but at more or less 5 o'clock the bleeding started back again REALLY fatty. Me and my husband had planned to travel to the mall and put your foot, we did and the bleeding just get heavier and heavier. Its bright red blood, it has a foul odor and also I'm have pain while urinating that started today. What is going on near me? Is this stuff normal? I know that a considerable amount of bleeding is commonplace but I also know that it should start to taper off at some point. Also the foul odor isn't majority is it? Could something be wrong with me?

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You definitely entail to call your OB Dr. TONIGHT! You categorically shouldn't be bleeding heavily after 9 days, and it shouldn't be bright red, either (it should be almost resembling a light brown or sunburn and very flimsy flow). A heavy flow can indicate that at hand's still a little piece or pieces of placenta that be retained after childbirth. This is serious- you may need a D&C beforehand you get critically anemic. Also, the foul odor is a sign that you hold endometriitis (infection of the lining of the uterus). I know because I have it after the birth of my first child, and I needed to be on antibiotics, maybe even Betadine douches. It won't find better on it's own. The pain while urinating could be a urinary tract infection (which wants to be treated with antibiotics), or it could be related to your endometriitis. Please, hon, phone call the Dr. STAT! He/she will probably tell you to jump to the ER. Come to think of it, I don`t know that's what you should do, NOW!

Which is best?

There should not be a foul odor or excessive bleeding. You may have some type of bladder infection, and another type of uterine infection.

I have need of some women answerswomen problems stuff.?

it is all ordinary

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you should contact your doctor. it could be a sign of an infection. the bleeding should own gotten gradual and a lighter color each morning. you can still have discharge for a while but the bleeding sounds serious

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Call your doctor, or name the labor and delivery department at the hospital where on earth you had your tot. If you're soaking a thick wad more often than every 30 minutes, skip calling and in recent times go to the hospital.

You have need of to call the doc roughly speaking the pain during urinating anyhow...don't consent to that wait until Monday because if it's a UTI it can acquire a lot worse surrounded by a short amout of time, and even spread to your kidneys.

Ladies please answer. When you know that you orgasm? What are the signs?

well post partum bleeding will remain for about a month, so unquestionably its too early for it to look smaller number. the foul odor, and pain may be signs of infection, ake sure nearby wasnt any left over placenta.

Ortho tri cyclen?

You could be infected down nearby. Did you have an episiotomy, or did you rip? It does smell different from your regular extent. Maybe you over exerted yourself. You are really supposed to take it trouble-free for about 2 weeks. Call your doc on Monday if it doesn't grasp better.

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I have the same point your going through and I found out after I had my daughter and the doctor told me that it happen to most women who have their children my sister surrounded by law go through it and the doctor told me that Its normal and if i be you i would be on bed rest for a while the period you are have is postpartum and don't bother lifting nothing big it makes your length comes down even heavier so don't worry, okay write back to me if you involve anymore advice from me capably I have more to update you when you get a arbitrariness thanks for letting me bestow you advice economically write to me anytime you like my pet name is Tina Sanchez and i'm a mom that is 25 years antediluvian and married about 2 years in a minute.. of a 1 year and 2months old toddler that be born at 32 weeks and weighing within at 845grams which is 1 lbs 13 ounces and had no complications individual a feeding tube surrounded by here and was on closely of iv's and was contained by the nicu for 2 months just to gain the wight capably i will tell you more if you want to hear more

Ovulation Period?

Give your OB a phone tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest. While the bleeding will fluctuate next to activity smooth, bright red blood and odor and urination pain are adjectives abnormal.

Uterine fibroids, misery, heavy bleeding and irregular period?

I bled for weeks after my kids were born hun, meditate about it,,,,,you own 9-10 months worth to bleed out,,,,the cramping could very okay be from clots-then after the clot is passed, the cramping subsides or goes away----no sort of period have a pleasant odor -if anything-baby blood is an almost 'sweet' kind of foul-it can be bright red, or deep-just depends,,,,,and you can stop and start for up to 12 weeks,,,,
HOWEVER-if you are fancy weak,,,,more tired than you average,-how is your color? If you are looking a little on the peaked side, consequently I would most certainy call your OBGYN and procure an appt-if the bleeding continues to get heavier, near more pain involved, maybe a trip to the emergency room would be appropriate,,,
You can never tell next to these things,,,,,
I had 4 children,,,,and one of them, I hemorraged with-
if the doctor hadn't caught it, I dont know what would own happened, I didn't distinguish anything different from my first born,
I had cramps and bright red blood near all 4- and similar to I said, they all smell foul to me, I hatred my period, I will be adjectives to happy when I don't hold them anymore!!
--The pain when you urinate, that sounds close to you have a UTI-(urinary tract infection)-and they are slightly common after have a baby-if at any point you had a catheder, or give natural birth-anything really can trigger you getting them-talk to your doctor-cuz they do enjoy medication for that,,,,antibiotic, and a numbing agent so that the painfulness during urination stops, -and lessons the opinion of frequency of when you feel you own to go-(if you are breastfeeding your child, you certainly have need of to discuss what you need to rob, or what your options are, cuz cranberry liquid will flush your system, but doesnt stop the pain or receive rid of the infection!
Congratulations on your new child, and you embezzle care of yourself mommy----hope you seize to feelin better!!-trin

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