My prom is saturday and my extent usually starts the day of the prom. how can i put together it come faster? PLZ HELP!
Im thinking Of Getting Breast Implants, Any Advice?
I'm not claiming this will work for you necessarily, BUT one time I was on an excercise see and I was doing similar to tons of pull-ups/crunches every day, and I get my period similar to way route early! Thats the lone time that has happen to me. I had only just gotten it 2 weeks before and after suddenly it came again, I guess it was cuz of adjectives the contractions I was doing on my stomach ya know?
I know a doctor would probably call for BULL on that one and say its impracticable, and maybe it isnt, perchance it was coincidence, but it did begin to me, so you never know! Excercise can't hurt ya anyways, so why not give it a try!? LOL!
Once you've ovulated, there is nought you can do. Sorry. The ovulation time is a set time, 11-16 days or so and that NEVER changes unless you seize pregnant. If you were on the pill, you could enjoy changed it (which is a BAD reason to be on the pill) have you had satisfactory time. Wear a tampon.
Is there a Viagra-type medication for impotent women?
You could move about on the birth control pill, which will stop it from coming this month, however, it's not wise to miss adjectives the time.Once you are on the pill you can control when you will get your time of year, however, it's best to remain regular.
Other than doing something like this theres no approach to control it.
I need some suggestion from MATURE women?
you CANNOT control your menstrual cycle. You should know this I mean you are elder than hun, sorry but there is no route you can delay your periode, it happen when it happens, but try and own fun :)
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- Akward??or what?!?!!Best answer will be picked?
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- HELP??
- Did you have a feeling approaching this to?