Is there a road to get on birth ontrol short going to the doctor?

im 19 i was on birth control since i be 15 then wen i be 18 i moved out with my boyfriend and i stopped taking it bc my step parents didnt compensate my doc bill since 2003 adn i owe $600 adn we cant afford to pay it so immediately i cant go to the doctor, and i want to be subsidise on birth control bc i dont want to become pregnant we use condoms everytime, but its always after we hold sex for a little while next he puts one on and we finish, so i owuld love to be on birth colntrol for that reason. I dnt work right presently, so is it possible to get on birth control somehow lacking going to the doctor bc i cant afford it, i would be able to payy for a prescripton if i could a moment ago get one but i cant bc i cant pay packet off my doctor bill.. so what can i do =(

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Anyone can go to Planned Parenthood or a local family circle planning clinic, and they have sliding tax scales based on what you can discharge. Also, many Planned Parenthood locations propose the Hormones with Optional Pelvic Exam (HOPE) program. You do NOT own to get a pelvic exam to take the Pill, patch, or ring. They'll just check shipment, blood pressure, and medical history.

Brown Discharge?

Planned parenthood, they'll supply it to you for free.

Woman's Body help?

Try to find out if within is a planned parenthood department around your area. I feel the website is

If you provide your financial documents (pay stubs, W-2,) you can qualify for discount rates on birth control. You would have to travel in and draw from a pap smear done, but they give you a discount on that too. I know the pills come out to in the order of $6/month (which is a lot cheaper than $30/month).

Or you can run to the pharmacy and buy Plan-B, which is the morning after pill. The problem is that its about $45 and it's simply for emergencies. It shouldnt be substituted for regular birth control.

Another pick is to check out online pharmacies.

Other than that, the only legal way to obtain birth control pills is going to a doctor.

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A sexual Health Clinic wont cost a thing!

How soon after ovulation do you receive symptoms of nausea etc?

You can always jump to your local health department

Implant query?

the answerer before me be right planned parenthood would impart it to u free. also if u rnt working try welfare, they will give u insurance if u congregate their guidelines. Lastly, the only OTC contraceptive is spermicide. Use it w/ the condoms for the most efficiency

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You could try contraceptive implant, such as implanon, which lasts for 5 years, and is placed freshly under your skin. Alternatively, using a diaphragm next to spermicide or having an IUD implanted are other shorter occupancy options. But no, you can't draw from oral contraceptives OTC.

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