Breakthrough bleeding and acne?

So i switched from levlen 28 to tri-sprintec (generic brand of ortho tri-cyclen) about a month ago. everything be fine until i tried to skip my period on tri-sprintec by skipping the placebo pills and a short time ago starting another pack. I have have heavy breakthrough bleeding for in the order of a week and to top it off i broke out HORRIBLY around my mouth and chin. Could my skin breakout be a result of this attempt to skip my term, since on triphasic pills the hormone dose is different every week, or did i break out for some other reason?? thanx guys, i HATE breaking out


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use Proactive!..I used to break out abundantly when i was 15yrs mature and now i'm 17yrs antediluvian..but anyways proactive does help. if u do opt to use it then keep hold of on using it and dont stop even if ur face is clear!..oh yea and try not to pick ur pimples and/or blackheads! picking them that make them even worse! trust me i know from expierence! good luck!! :]..

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yeah i hold a friend who's on levlen-ED and the same article happens to her, when she trieds to skip she breaks out alot!
if the breakouts are taking place, it's not something you should put up with
go rear to your doctor and ask for a pill that helps near breaking out, bloating, cramps and all that
i used one call Yasmin which is the leading brand of contraceptive pill for infantile women in the US and it really help in that department, but it made me sick but thats for other reason but it might be just the piece for you.

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i imagine it is because you are using triphasic pills. as far as i know you only can use monophasic pills to skip period. the hormones is the culprit why you break out. also see

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