Severe hot flashes, unharmed body sweats, any suggestions on how to cope?

Having a difficult time with menopause. I have an early one due to complete hystorectomy near ovaries removed at age 29, and now at 41, its starting over again, solitary worse! I am on HRT, the lowest dose of estrace. Because of the new theories linking cancer to long term use, the docs aren't widen to more of it, and are hesitant to even prescribe it anymore. I hold to change clothes several times a light of day, summer and winter, due to complete soaking of my clothes. Because of a neuromuscular disorder, air conditioning isn't really an resort for me, because it triggers very strong muscle spasms if I am exposed to cold nouns or water. Any planning??Thanks!

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Wow! I know newly how you feel!
I suffer near hot flashes and get completely sweaty. I enjoy tried everything the doctors recommended and have found that while in that really isn't a cure there are some things that can abet. I found a source for pj's that evaporate the sweat really quickly. I can even wear the reservoir tops to exercise class and am much drier than the others there. On top of everything else, I live in a sweltering climate and wear the container top out. I used to wake up every hours of darkness soaked and now in attendance are nights when the pj's dissipate the sweat swift enough that I freshly sleep through it. I tried a few different brands of pj's and the ones that worked the best and were the most comfortable are available at
Good Luck... I need there be more for us. But at least this is something.
Also, some populace swear by black cohash but I don't really like to steal anything...

Oral pleasure?

call your family doctor

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You poor thing, that sounds awful.
Have you tried any of the organic menopause remedies?
I'm no expert but isn't there something in soy that can minister to.
I wish you the best of luck, may it ratify quickly.

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I don't hold an answer but I just want to say aloud how sorry I am that you are going through this. A friend of mine went through indistinguishable thing but due to different circumstances. I, too, have an early hysterectomy-complete-because I suffered symptoms especially early 20's. They put me on hormones and a few years ago they took me bad of them. There was a medication that they give me for 6 months to
wean me off the hormones. I'm a 66 year weak senior citizen and still get some hot flashes which are not fun. Bless your heart, I hope they come up next to a solution
before too long. Take vigilance.


Have you looked into herbal sources of estrogen, and herbal remedies? The Chinese herbs such as dong quai (there are more) as supposed to be thoughtful.
Also, consume lots of soy products and yams (not sweet potatoes), or look for them in supplement form. Soy capsule have help me with this, though my symptoms be quite mild.
Best of luck to you.

What Is This?

you poor article I can empathize, enjoy you tried soya products, don't like soya milk yuk but desserts made next to soya are nice, what about black coshe (take the stuff myself and I still cant spell it) it seem to be working for me.
Most doctors I know would only prescribe HRT for up to 5 years and a lowish dose at that, the notion being that individual on it for a max of 5 years protects our bones whilst not having a too significant impact on breast cancer aspect, intuitively I put up with relatively minor symptoms for as long as I could oversee, tried HRT for 12/15 months and now I'm on the black coseh, I suppose that next to your neuromuscular problem its going to be a matter of seeing what suits you of luck I'll hang on to my fingers crossed that you find something soon

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I am also going thru menopause (age 49) and cannot take soy. I am allergic to it. I sort of know what you are going thru. I be having hot flashes and darkness sweats but not as bad as what you are describing. I started taking co Q10 supplements and it have helped. There is no notes saying that this help with hot flashes but I started taking it because they influence it is good for your heart and that your level start to decrease as you grasp older. But after taking it for roughly a week, I noticed that my hot flashes be gone. I am currently taking 300mg once a day. I be on 100 then they started coming hindmost alittle bit so I upped it to 200 and now up to 300mg end in the night ones be coming back. I find that even though they own come back rather bit they are much more tolerable. Try it and good luck

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