I lost the unbroken pack of birth control pills! What do I do?

I am a student. I've been traveling hindmost and fourth between school and home. I finished my closing pack of pills, and now I can not find the remaining 2 pack. I'm already 2 days behind at this point. I've call my doctor's office, and they haven't gotten wager on in contact beside me. I have call Walgreen's Pharmacy, and they haven't gotten back within contact with me. I'm friggin' out.. I don't know what to do!

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This happen and I called to the pharmacy where on earth i usually get my pills from ..and I told them what happen. They said that I would not be able to draw from another pack under my insurance. but I could come pick some up and compensate full price. They can give you a generic brand for cheaper.. or like peas in a pod brand at the full price ..which is really expensive. I got a similar generic brand for $50 dollars. appropriate luck..
50 dollars is better to pay next be pregnant and not ready.

I return with very green about the gills before my interval, is this normal?

abstain if you hold to ,until you get wager on on the pills

What are the methods to stop hair falling?i inevitability herbal tips to solve this?

Dont have sex!

Abdominal pains?

Don't enjoy sex and you will be ok.

This is kind of a funny press?

ok its been 2 days you still can detain up but you need to draw from them TODAY so go to wal greens! If you catch them take 2 and you should be fine if its more than 2 days you newly have to dally until next month.


Call your doctor quickly. S/he can probably give you a indication pack of your prescription

Kinda worried but staying calm?

Call planned motherhood.

3. I missed a Birth Control Pill. What should I do?
If you miss a birth control pill, you may increase your risk of getting pregnant.What you need to do depends on how plentiful pills you missed (one, two, or three) and which week of your pill pack you are in. If you don't hold the instructions you were given when you get your pills, or you don't understand them, phone your clinic to speak with a nurse or clinician. Be equipped to tell them how several pills you have missed and where on earth you are in your pill pack (have your pills contained by your hand within case you're not sure where on earth you are in the pack).

They will inform you everything you need to know.

a short time ago search for a local planned parent hood. =]

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Call your Doctor and explain what happened and ask if he would give the name it in to your pharmacy.

Can I hold Fibroids?

The doctor will have to achieve back beside you because his or her Drug Enforcement Agency number may be on the lost packets.

If you establish to have sex, be sure to use passable protection because you are already at risk. Your hormones will go out of go together for probably a month. And the doctor should have you come put a bet on in to determine where on earth you need to start on a alien packet of pills. You might want to visit the nurse at the infirmary of your academy, for advice and peace of mind.

Whats fatigue when your in your cycle?

Hmmm..it would come across you have made the two most meaningful phone calls. If you can't continue for them to get stern to you, call them both again.first the doctor, later the pharmacy. In the meantime, abstain.

Varicose veins and circulatory issues?

keep calling until somebody call you back. if you don't grasp an answer from either your doctor or your pharmacist telephone your local planned parenthood or another doctor to see if you can attain pills until you get the situation staightened out. and be sure to use condoms in the meantime.

Which is better?

I would hang on to calling them until someone answers you back. That is negligence if they backfire to contact a patient for such a issue. Call every hour if you have to. Don't verbs about human being a pain it could throw bad your cycle if you don't resume soon. What surprises me is that Walgreen's fails to comply.

Am I still considered a virgin?

at this point even if you gain a new pack using only the pill as birth control won't be reliable because the hormone levels that the birth control pills provide hold dropped. You need to any abstain from sex altogether or make sure and use a condom/spermicide combination until you can start a trial pack of pills. Remember that your period may be a bit sour this month or that you may have some breakthrough bleeding due to the hormone level being different surrounded by your body. Read the info packet that comes with your pack of pills to refresh your memory and I would other make sure I have an extra refill disappeared on my prescription in crust something like this happen. Good luck.

Girls only?

go receive more from your doctor

How much wieght 2 lose?

For your insurance to cover the new birth control pills, you will enjoy to call them, and obtain a lost medication exception. If you do, they will cover them.

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