Guys or girls a short time ago help immediate its kinda hard on me and i regret its more or less sex!?

ok this is not a joke AT ALL ok i did something kinda fruitless and i never should i have done it ok i lost my virginity to a boy im not sure i even love and i a moment ago turned 13 today! we used a trojan condom>.. well in a minute he keeps wanting to do it and im unqualified to do it again BUT i wanna do it caz im like ovelry whorny some please please aid me know one knows more or less this and im super scared
ahhhhhhhh sex is goosd but desperate excpseciallly when ur 13

Depression in teens?

If you're solely 13, then you are bearing way method too young to be have sex. Don't do it again, especially since you feel that you aren't in position. Just tell him no. If he keep pressuring you then dump him. Next time you enjoy sex, make sure you really love the guy, trade name sure you are older, and engender sure you have protection. That's one point you did do right, is use protection. Being married is really the best thing to lurk for, and if you didn't have sex again until you be married, that, in my feelings, would be the best thing you can do.

What be the cause of my rough Cramps, and weird looking blood clots?

I'm not even gonna answer this ask...think something like it yourself...your only doesnt clutch a rocket scientist to see the consequences of your actions.

When I enjoy sex from the back it hurts, is he doing something wrong or is it me? Is anyone else have this?

Cut it out right now. For crying noticeably you are only 13 years dated.

You need to hold back from sex kiddo... that simple. Masturbate if you are 'horny'. Just stay away from the boys... you have a intact lifetime ahead of you. Just be a kid while you still can.

Complex cyst - cancer ? asking for a friend?

omg you are way too immature to have have sex but since you have... stop right in a minute. are you ready to own a baby. you are 13 and you could die during child birth if you get preggers now. in recent times masturbate its safe and will fix the together horny thing and im sure the boy couldnt support you.

Probable cause of getting my period one week precipitate, i am very regular.?

Sweety, you are not alone. I did the exact same entity you just did when I be 13. I did not love the guy, I was unawares, I realised I liked it anyway, I also realised it be a huge mistake. My advice to you is to do what I did: let somebody know him that you are sorry, but you just are cold for this. I know it feels apt and your hormones are going nuts but your body isnt even done growing yet! If you are overly horny, consequently maybe you should invest in a vibrator and do it yourself.

Is it ok to attain breast implants if I own no breasts at all?

wow!do u infer what will happen? u will be call many things at university, * whore,skank, and ur 13! u should break up with him if hes th eone who pressured u to do this! and u obligation to talk to someone similar to ur mom about this. what would u hold done if the condom broke? r u ready to be a mom? u will regret this for the rest of ur natural life. im so srry that u did this. good luck. hope ur not preg.

Lithium..what is it!!?

okay hun,
first item i want to point out people might deliberate your too young , but your in position to have sex as long as you estimate your ready. First of adjectives don't be letting this guy control you or anything like that and if you dont want to hold sex all the time close to he does then relate him your not in the mood right in a minute and if he can't accecpt that then he's not obedient enought for you.
okay thier is the worry roughly being pregnant resourcefully just allways use a condom or obtain on birthcontrol. Really it's not that ba that you had sex the town that I live within most of the girls up here have have sex when they where 12,13&14 and most of them girls are respected. of late don't put your self out as a whore or anything like that.

Omphalocele pregnancy?

Well hun i lost my virginity whe i be 11. I know that it wasnt the brightest thing to do but i ca transformation it now and neither can you. But if he purely wants more and more consequently that most likely money that he is a horn dog and he is only ith you fpr the sex. But if you want to od it next there is nought dtoping you just gross sure that he wears a condom. And dont agree to him force you to do it eather. Because that last article that you want is to be pregnat at 13. Trust me.

I've never gotten my period, whats up next to that?

you may think you love your boyfriend ricky, but he singular loves you for your vagina.


You should be out having sex at your age. You should be enjoy your adolescence, not losing your virginity to a guy who's taking supremacy of you. You need to grow up. You're unqualified for the responsibility of your actions and you're cold for the responsibility that comes with sex.

What is considered run of the mill for a thirteen year old girl who's have her period for almost four years?

stop immediately, or you will regret it by the time you are my age (19). I lost my virginity when i had merely turned 14, and after that i thought "well its gone very soon theres nothing i can do just about it so i might as well own some fun" BAD idea. if i would hold just stopped after the first time i would enjoy never had adjectives the pregnancy scares, have to use morning after pills and throw my guts up, have guys be total assholes and break my heart, and have a condom break by an older college guy who didnt report to me he had an std! i in recent times have to live next to it now! seriously judge about whats essential, your raging hormones or your future. stop have sex now.

Is within any other women out there that have experienced this problem?

Ok so your 13, you dont need ethnic group telling you that you hold made a mistake because you probably already know that.Its also true that you know yourself when your ready but that doesnt mean rushing into things beside someone who doesnt respect you.Tell him to wait, you can do other things short full penetration.If he doesnt respect that after hes not worth it.

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