When will I get my period?
I'm sexually active, and I haven't gotten my spell yet this month. My closing period be Feb. 18th, but I'm usually irregular. I've been getting some cramps and it feel like it's really coming, but still hasn't. I've be so scared that I've already taken 2 pregnancy test (both were negative), and I truly went to my arts school clinic to get tested today (which be also negative). I've been notice some discoloration (perhaps light bleeding), but not adequate to even stain my underwear a little. Is it middle-of-the-road to sometimes skip a period b/c of stress? Help!
Stomachaches, or possibly even the Di.. word?
This type of question is a clear indication that you should not be have sex.
You should wait until you are elder and have a clearer grasp of vivacity.
Does anyone else have this problem? Woman solely, im sure men dont want to hear this lol.?
yes you may be late next to your period or skip one and it be OK. If you skip more consequently three and are negative for pregnancy that's when you stipulation to goto your gyn for an eval.use protection next time. it could be stress.
My sisters tresses is falling out!?
I have be lead to believe that stress can create a missed period. I wouldn't regard that all those test could be wrong, but you never know. Just wait a bit longer and if you're still concerned, go see a gynecologist.How outdated are you !?!?!?!?!?
i would say it depends on the gentle of life you head!
sometimes that happens beside me..i would say a short time ago get more iron ...red meat possibly?
like i be saying that happen with me and they told me i be anemic so you should just try to munch through a better diet!
good luck~