Sex press?

ok well im planning on have sex the very later day of my time of year, when im VERY light, or the daylight after. I know you ALWAYS have SOME uncertainty of getting pregnant, but with out protection, how glorious would my chances be? I dont exactly WANT to return with pregnant, but im just wondering how high-ranking is the uh-oh factor?


I still get discharge after I've have my period for 6 months?

Since this is near your husband I don't know what everyone is getting so uptight about. The rhythm method have been practiced for centuries and somehow we give the impression of being to have forgotten its usefulness. It's clearly not the most effective but you are correct that right after term is a safer time. If you just want to experience intercourse minus a condom and it sounds like you're not on the pill. Then you might want to look at contraceptive gel or sponge. This will allow your husband to own sex without a condom and at smallest provide some additional protection while using the rhythm method.


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why would you risk it? just use protection and no worries, in attendance is always a fate of getting pregnant even with protection, dont engineer it higher

Help please girls! :(?

When ever you own unprotected sex they skyrocket, it's not worth the risk. Use a condom

What can I do? (females only)?

I use the rhythm method and have unprotected sex for up to three days after my interval ends. I have never become pregnant that process.

After you use tampons do you find that your flow is lighter?

Its still up there girlfriend don't poo poo the oilskin.

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Don't risk it.

There are no for certains in drug. We are not machines..and everyone is different. If you dont want a pregnancy, just protect yourself. Period

I am a 16yr outmoded girl.i dont feel similar to satdying sometimes.wat should i do to overcome it?


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The likelihood is very elevated and I wouldnt recommend that, plus thats just horrid.

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Your playing with a loaded gun! What your really wanting to hear is that you wont procure pregnant if you do it that way. The truth is you could exceedingly easily. The single 100% way not to grasp pregnant is no sex. The chances are different for everyone within every situation. Take into account manly smokers have smaller number sperm, but that doesn't mean none. You don't want to return with pregnant use a condom. It doesn't protect you 100 percent, but it is much safer than none at all. Plus, you should be thinking of sexual desease. Pregnancy would be consent to least of your problems.

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Sperm can live and implant for several days after intercourse so it's not a great perception to have unprotected sex if you don't want a child right presently. If you don't like using condoms and you are in a committed relationship later consider birth control.

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safe sex is other best and they say that you are more feasible to get pregnant around 14 days after your period because you ovulate but i would say-so as long as your safe step for it

Im so emotional.. what cause it? why am i emotional? im a girl by the path?

yup there is a elevated chance why risk it, and even near protection there is a unpredictability unless u want to get pregnant or something!listen to everyone and best of luck!

No length since APRIL!!?

Are you CRAZY?? You need give a hand. Even with protection in that is no guarantee. Why would you want to have sex and a time of year at the same time. Makes yourself appear nasty. Him/Her also. Pregnant could extremely well be the most minuscule of your problems. Chances are very soaring. Find yourself a good GYNE.

I've not have my menstral cycle?

It is possible to get pregnant anytime. There are highly few signs of ovulation and most women don't know exactly when they ovulate. In addition, sperm can survive up to 3 days or more contained by the uterus/fallopian tubes so if you ovulate during that time you can get pregnant. No one is completely regular, hence the "around 28 day" cycle. In enhancement, sometimes you ovulate one egg, sometimes you ovulate two (thats where twins come from ) so you could ovulate speak one day 10 and next again on day 17. The best prevention is abstinance, but if you must, USE PROTECTION. Why do you reflect there are so copious unplanned pregnancies even with adjectives of the medical discoveries and understanding of how things work...the human body is one-off and dowsn't always follow the rule book.

What could this be?

lol Can't you procure pregnant if you have sex while on your time? I don't see why you wouldn't be able to carry pregnant on your period. Because the when you're most plausible to get pregnant is similar to three days before your time and three days after. I think they didn't state while on your time of year because they didn't think anyone would own sex while on their period. But, I don't know. You have need of to research that. You don't wanna have sex on the most predictable days to get pregnant if you don't wanna capture pregnant.

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Dont be so bloody stupid!

If you dont know the answer yourself i dont think you should even be have sax!!


Lose it, drop it, show it?

Don't risk it. Fifteen mins of pleasure is not worth a lifetime of stds or unplanned pregnancy. Use a condom. Safe than sorry. =)

I need suggestions please!?

the lowest possible likely time to bring pregnant is during your period because that's when the egg drops DO NOT HAVE IT RIGHT AFTER...let get into numbers shall we
let say hours of daylight 1-7 is your period that's the lowest likely
year 8-14 you have a 60 % providence of getting pregnant
day 14 would be your ovulation and the chief chance
than you still own a high risk days15-18
than day 19-24 is when your body is 're padding'
day 24-28 would be PMS also high-ranking and then it starts adjectives over. so my point having sex right after your spell would be a BAD idea
all though i judge you should wait its your existence so don't forget protection

Am i having discharge?

The SAME luck of getting pregnant will happen after previously or during your period! Please don't assume that you can't get pregnant. Just use protection and you'll be not detrimental.

If I got my spell on May 1,07. When is the next time you cogitate I should get it?

First of adjectives, if you are unsure of these things, you shouldn't really be risking them. Not always, but usually a women's body is fertile, (meaning ovulatng and can acquire pregnant) about 2 to 3 weeks in the past the first day of your time is scheduled to start. I transport my tempurature every morning, and when I notice the temp rise a amount or two, then I know that I am fertile. Anyway, you should other use protection, especially if you have more than one partner throughout your time.

Bloating/ period serve!!!?

same chances as if you did it while on your term, without it. Don't do it sounds dirty & disgusting. I've done it next to my bf of 5 yrs while on my period or not quite gettting off it and trust me- it's not right. You still bleed a bit because your body is still healing from adjectives the tissues uve been sheading for yesteryear couple of days etc. Besides- you will still feel some twinge and it will increase with intercourse, also it will be dirty and i wouldn't recommend it. You're more probable to get an infection this bearing. Trust me- i've tried it and didn't like it neither did he. I don't regard as it's good for you- you might as capably wait until ur length goes away completely

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The likelihood of becoming pregnant are very low but you should still use a condom because nearby is always a karma. It depends how long your cycle is too because sperm can last in the region of five days.

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