How old-fashioned were you when you first have **x?

I am reading questions from young moms and young girls seeing gynecologists and simply wondered what the average age is when girls first have sexual intercourse.
It seem that children are not allowed to be children any longer- they are rushing into prime of life with their bodies long earlier their judgement is able to switch the consequences!

Oh, to start the ball rolling, I be 17- the night of my junior prom.
Looking rear, it was channel too soon.

Vagina hair?

On my 14 birthday... Out of curiousity.. but how i yearning i can save it till i married.. im 22 in a minute..

What is wrong with me?

I be 24, on my wedding dark. Stop gasping , yes it does still happen :)

Q's roughly bikini wax? Girls only! ;)?

13. hadnt even finished puberty on the other hand. I dont recommend it.

Birth control pills?

16.5 but I really didn't want to...

Do you think I inevitability to see a doctor?

19 didn't really want to but did. I wish I would hold waited somewhat longer.

Question about sex, and will the subsequent time I have sex hurt, will I bleed again.?

well i be 14. i think it adjectives depends on a person. closely of people will say aloud a teenager within the early teens is too childlike, but again i think it adjectives depends on the person. i instinctively dont regret it, but other people may get the impression differently. i think the merely important entry is that if your going to decide to become sexually moving then you should other have protection.

Help!! ------can you grasp pregnant? bloating? related questionss?

I was 15.

Happen to anyone else on the Depo shot?

I really do not know what start to the world today and the mother of the world today, seem to feel it OK, that their young girls own sex, i have spoke beside some of them about the infantile girls having sex and they enunciate i talk to them but what can you do, what ever you do they are going to enjoy sex anyway,Children these day do not terror their parent and they drink and have sex at the tender age of 12 and that really unpromising, the world today is build on baby have baby's, Oh Yes i be 20 years old and be scared.

Could I be pregnant?

Well I ponder teens today are having sex course too early. I be 18 and even at that time I regreted it. Now looking back I would own waited. I own 2 teen girls and one is sexually active while the other is not, they both are surrounded by relationships. The one that is sexually live has have nothing but heartache until in a minute, while the other seems outstandingly happy next to her choice. I have other been get underway with my girls, I know that the sexually involved one also wishes she had wait longer, but you cannot undo what have been done.. sex is too soon and too effortless these days but the consequences of your choice will final forever!! Hope some young girl reading this will really devise before doing anything that will modify her forever... good grill!!

Does anyone have any recommend help next to vaginal dryness?


Women advice?


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