How to put in a tampon?

OK, Im practicing putting tampons in and it go in fine at first but afterwards it feels approaching it hit a muscle so i take it out because im afraid am i doing it wrong?
and when it feel like it hit a muscle its approaching well you know how its big at the top and later it gets skinny and next at the bottom its the string well right give or take a few when its all within except the part when it starts to achieve skinny it feels approaching it hit something < sorry if 2 much info


Female Orgasim?

read the directions!!>>O and ask your mom!lol

I have couple of question about menopause? I guess.?

Is it normal to?

Tampons will be self-conscious for first time users...

While sitting on the toilet, hold the applicator between your thumb and forefinger, insert just a touch, then slide the bottom of the applicator up!

If you still experience discomfort, you may involve to switch to a different brand!

TAMPAX are ALOT LONGER that Playtex or Kotex! You may also need to try the junior absorbency until you bring comfortable using a tampon!

Im worriedpuhlease help?

hunny you're probably not putting it in adjectives the way

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How often do you practice this? It is possible that the repeated inserting and removing of a dry tampon can produce little scratches within your vagina.

Go ask your Mom.

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You may never be able to wear one. I couldn't I ask my Dr. come to find out the mouth of my womb be to low to ever wear them.

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Yep you hit the muscle adjectives right. That muscle is what holds the tampon in place but you hold to get long-gone it. Take a deep breath so the muscle will relax and aim toward your lower spinal column and push as smoothly a you can. If it's still difficult buy one of the tiny little packs of the smallest size and try those first. Relaxing is KEY! Breathe!

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thats no big treaty. start with the fluffy tampons. you arent hitting a muscle
make sure it go in straight.
honestly its kinda rock-hard to put one in when you dont hold your period
relax your body before you put it surrounded by...
dont worry in the order of hitting a muscle either. as long as it stays put
you're ok

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